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B R I A N N A [ o'hara ] ([info]brianana) wrote,
@ 2008-02-22 02:53:00

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[PRIVATE] He had better not pull that shit at the match, I'll bloody--fucking moron, holy Christ-- [/PRIVATE]

[BAGMAN] I don't know what the hell happened today, but you know I'm not going to tolerate it interfering with the match this weekend.

Take advantage while I'm still being nice about this. [/BAGMAN]

Damn it all.

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2008-02-22 07:49 pm UTC (link)
Oh, get the fuck over yourself, Ludo. I didn't say you'd be the one to start it just now, you fucking explained yourself verbosely enough that I get that. I said 'all I WANTED TO KNOW is that you WEREN'T going to do this on the pitch.' I'm your Quidditch captain, not your grammar coach, but if you need help understanding the delicate nuances of past tense, I can give you a lesson.

And shut up about Merridew already. You sound like a four-year-old trying to shift blame. But on that note, you retalite and I'm not going to take it well--take that for what you wish. I am not losing a goddamn player because someone can't stand to be hit and walk away.

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2008-02-22 09:27 pm UTC (link)
There's a lot riding on this game. And I know you don't really give a shit, but--never mind. I'll see you on the pitch tomorrow.

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