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User:bouncy (13910)

It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, but I'm holding you closer than most. 'Cause you are my heaven.

We miss you, baby girl.

Memories1 entry
Interests:27: ambition, being my own person, britney spears, bubble baths, candlelight, change, class, cold nights, controversy, delta delta delta, dreams, drive, giving back, goals, healing, independence, learning, motivation, nightlife, politics, progress, research, selflessness, sleeping, soccer, sociology, usf bulls
Schools:None listed
People25:beckymarie, birdie, bmw, bouncy, classic, delias, delight, doe, dove, eastcoast, flirty, foxxy, inspire, lustfool, model, ocean, peacesign, poppies, rocketship, serpent, snowflake, socialite, sparks, tennessee, turquoise
Communities11:chill, conquered, donut, easy, harsh, inkpen, post_secret, sextalk, spearssource, upload, usernames
Friend of:21: beckymarie, birdie, bmw, bouncy, caked, classic, delias, delight, dove, flirty, foxxy, inspire, peacesign, poppies, rocketship, serpent, snowflake, socialite, sparks, tennessee, turquoise
Member of:10: conquered, donut, easy, harsh, inkpen, post_secret, sextalk, spearssource, upload, usernames
Account type:Early Free User

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