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Marvel Avengers Alliance Concept [13 Feb 2013|05:03pm]
Mikey Dugan- STRIPE

PATTON- Take two turns per round. One at Mikey and one as PATTON.


L1- Gauntlet Blast- Single target energy ranged attack. High crits.

L2- Upgrade systems- Increases the power of PATTON's abilities

L6- Powering up- Restores stamina to Mikey.

L9- Cosmic Blast- Targets all opponents for an energy ranged attack. Catastrophic attack. Three round cool down.

L1- Rocket Launch- Single target ranged attack. Causes burning

L2- Shield Generation- Give Mikey a large shield for two turns

L6- Machine Gun Fire- Targets all opponents for a ranged gun attack. High Crits.

L9- Energy Canon- Single target ranged energy attack. Deadly Crits.
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