Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Matt Email: AIM (if you have one): Character Name: Michael Justin Sylvester Dugan Character LJ (if applicable): Physical description (face, build, weight): Michael has Brownish Red hair and Blue eyes. He is 6’ 9” and 189 lbs. Age: 21 Birthday: August 6 PB: (If using one.) Aaron Ashmore Abilities: Mechanical and Robotics Genius and has a natural talent at Macgyvering Genius level Intellect Bots- Small floating robots which act anomalously of him and he can control them with a wristwatch computer and sunglasses especially designed for this by him. Michael considers his bots and his drone to be like pets and even names them. Inhibitor bots- Slow people down with beams of force since theses bots are simpler he can control three of these compared to one with most of the others. Nanobot swarm- Infects people slowing them down and can be used as explosives however is very slow moving. Rocket Bot Bomber Bot Force Field Bot- Generates force fields to stop small fast moving objects and slower large objects Beer Tap Bot- Created for Michael’s own amusement Hologram Projector Bot- Can create simple holograms on the fly and can be programmed to create more complex ones Flame Thrower Bot He has made several more and is constantly working on new ones. Combat Drone- More heavy duty, Generates electrical blasts, Acts as a floats platform which contains all the other bots he has with him, Can be used as a jet pack for limited flight, and can be used like a hover board that can move a fast as a skateboard, Cloaking. Mikey calls it PATTON. Weaknesses and flaws: Has no powers and is just an ordinary human. Michael can only control three types of bots at a time in addition to the drone. He has a moderate case of claustrophobia while he does not freeze up in those situations he does not like enclosed spaces and prefers not to deal with them if he does not have too. Character location/Home: New York City/Blue Valley Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero Relatives (living/dead?): Pat Dugan (father), Maggie Shaw (mother), Barbara Dugan (step-mother), Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl, step-sister), Patricia Dugan (half-sister) Backstory: The son of Pat Dugan aka S.T.R.I.P.E. Mikey’s mom left him when he was really little and he has not seen her since. When Pat was about nine years old his dad got remarried and they moved in together where he quickly developed an antagonistic relationship with his step-sister Courtney, though over time their relationship has improved so that they are now friendly but still can easily get under each other’s skin. Mikey was a very good student in school though his favorite class was shop class where he would make upgrades for his dad’s S.T.R.I.P.E. suit which his dad would use when crime fighting with Courtney something he was jealous of her being allowed to do. This lead to a fight where Courtney and fight fought and broke her cosmic converter belt and Pat gave Court the first belt officially passing on the title. Mikey did fix the belt they had broken for Courtney which helped so they stopped trying to kill each other. Mikey however did get into trouble several times for building powerful weapons in school and for on multiple times accidently causing power outages that took out over have his town. Mikey robotics skill continued to improve and he started building simple bots to do household chores he didn’t want to do. Michael had a few times helped his dad out by wearing and using the STRIPE armor but did not like wearing it too much due to his claustrophobia which his dad knows about but no one else and definitely not Courtney. Michael after he finished high school got into MIT which he applied to on a whim and got into with a free ride. He decided to go there for fun and has done very good there and has recently graduated with several degrees. Now sure what exactly he wanted to do now Michael decided to see if he live out what had been his greatest wish for the longest time and join the JSA. How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: Having finished college decided to try joining the JSA. What are you planning to do with this character?: Learn more about what it means to be a hero. What do you want to see happen with this character?: Have fun and hang out with the JSA. Sample post:
Mikey was in the workshop in the basement of his house where his dad kept and worked on S.T.R.I.P.E. Even though he and his dad didn’t use the armor currently he still liked to keep it in working condition and adding a few upgrades just in case it was needed. He had been working on the armor since he was ten when his dad first started using it to make sure Courtney didn’t do something stupid as Star-Spangled Kid. Stupid Courtney got to be a superhero and dad wouldn’t even let him be one. But with any luck that would be changing soon. Mikey hoped that with his family history the JSA would give him a chance to join them and if they let him in he would tell his dad about what he was doing before he could get a chance tell him he wasn’t allowed too. Dad was sensitive about that type of thing for some reason.