Name: Aodh

PB: Clive Owen
History: Aodh is an elder dragon from back in the Hyborian age during which he terrorized a lot of people and killed many adventurers who sought to kill him. After a few thousand years of that Aodh grew board of the constant killing. At first he sought out the most challenging of foes to fight which over the course of a few thousand years from physical challenges to more mental ones. Though now he just prefers to watch events occasionally interfering to make things more interesting or to help someone out that he likes and would prefer to see keep on doing things. He often takes the guise of a wealthy middle aged Englishman and prefers to avoid his own kind and staying as a mythic figure
Power: Aodh is though to be the oldest dragon still alive and as such is incredible powerful. Aodh is capable of taking three different forms. Changing from full dragon to human form or back takes a lot of energy even for him though he can take energy from his surrounding environment to offset that cost freezing the area
Full Elder Dragon Form- Can lift over 100 tons, Can breath fire, frost, poisonous gas, and acid, Can fly very fast with leathery wing, Armored scales impenetrable to all but the most powerful of weapons
Half Dragon Form- Can lift over 50 tons, Can breath fire and frost, Can fly with leathery wing, Can move faster than any human, Armored scales that can block most human weapons, Has a healing factor
Human Form- Can lift over 25 tons, Can breath fire, Can move faster than any human, Has a healing factor
Aodh is extremely intelligent having learn much over his very long life. He is also a highly skilled fighter in any of his forms with and ages of experience. He also is fairly knowledgeable in magic preffering to use that to deal with than physically attack them unless he has too. Aodh is technically immortal and won't die of old age though can be killed even if it is extremely difficult to do.
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