Karen Starr/Power Girl's Journal -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Karen Starr/Power Girl

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[03 Jul 2010|11:50pm]
Player (nickname/handle)/LJ:Allie
Email: fireflydreams01@yahoo.com
AIM (if you have one): awesomelymusical
Character Name: Karen Starr/Power-Girl
Character LJ (if applicable): [info]boobs_of_steel
PB if using one: none
Character location/Home: New York City, JSA Brownstone
What are your plans for the character?: Have her take an active role on the JSA. Would also like her to eventually step into the role of chairwoman
How are you planning on working them into the game?: Currently a member of the JSA.
Is there anything from canon that you plan on changing with that character?: Nothing comes expressly to mind.
What sort of plots to do you want to do with this character?: JSA plots. A couple of team-ups with Superman would be nice, too.

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[ viewing | July 3rd, 2010 ]
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