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Lady Kitana ([info]boobalicious) wrote,
@ 2008-01-10 20:18:00

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Current mood: curious

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Previously xcherrykiss @ greatestjournal.com

I don't really update here yet because I don't have many friends, so if you want to add a journal I actually update at, I'm boobasaurus over at Livejournal. Although, if you add me here I just might update here! ;)

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2008-01-16 11:07 am UTC (link)
I'm on all three sites (this one, IJ, and LJ), but I update the most at LJ because all my friends are there. It's almost like I didn't have a choice which journal to use as my primary journal because of them! I'm worried this site is going to end up crashing because of the sudden wave of users. I'm all scared now because of GJ going down the crapper that I'm worried every journal site is just gonna get up and leave now! At least being on all three sites gives me access to three times the communities, lmao. Keeps me occupied.

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