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User:bonjour (7482)
Name:Chelsea Elizabeth

Chelsea Elizabeth

My name is Chelsea Elizabeth. I'm located in Dirty Jersey (in the 609 DEVINE if you want to get specific). I'm a December baby and I love the winter more than anything. My music taste is pretty wide. I can be found listening to everything from alternative, pop, broadway soundtracks, to hard punk. I like sunglasses and earrings. To be honest, they're what I spend most of my money on. I work at a greeting card store. I like it enough. I love school supply shopping. Something about a fresh new binder gets me really excited. My favorite subject is art. And I'd like to persue Communications Design when I get older. I don't drink. I don't smoke. It's not my style. I'm the President of the anti-tobacco club at my school and will be a leader in our Gay Straight Alliance chapter this year. I have a lot of beliefs and enjoy telling people about them. I like aquariums and museums. And there is nothing I love more than a city. I believe in helping other people when they need it but I won't help someone who won't help themselves. I have my learner's permit and kinda suck at driving. J'aime la langue française. Je parle bein. I used to take Spanish, but I hated it and decided to take French. And because of that, I am going to Paris this summer. I love cameras and being creative. I believe that creative people keep the world interesting and beautiful. I'm always looking for a new friend. Smiles are something I put on every day.

link here link here link here link here

i think i'm ready for a slow dance with a stranger

People4:cky, ducktaped, lighthouse, mariaballerina
Communities6:photobuckets, post_secret, tattoos, tradingpost, upload, uploads
Friend of:4: cky, ducktaped, lighthouse, mariaballerina
Member of:6: photobuckets, post_secret, tattoos, tradingpost, upload, uploads
Account type:Early Adopter
Date created:2007-12-09 16:34:14
Date updated:2009-04-28 07:48:01, 827 weeks ago
Clients used:Web: 2.0.0
Journal entries:142
Comments:Posted: 218 - Received: 256
Posting Access:6: photobuckets, post_secret, tattoos, tradingpost, upload, uploads

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