Kiba Inuzuka
07 July 2020 @ 01:42 pm

Kiba does his best to answer his phone at all times.
Supports all that good stuff- text, call, email, whatever man.
"'SUP, hey, leave me a message and I'll call you back ey-sap. ♥"

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Kiba Inuzuka
25 September 2009 @ 06:09 pm
Alright, I gotta own up to this.
Those pictures I posted last night? They're of me. I know, pretty cute right?
Not real developed but man can I rock strapless.
They're staying up so that I know everyone can get a piece of me. ♥

Kiba Inuzuka
24 September 2009 @ 11:16 pm

OOC: THIS ENTRY WAS HACKED BY NARUTO but you don't actually know that and no, Kiba cannot change it because Naruto is a superbrain :| Everything with strikes was deleted; it is gone with the wind.

[Picture of a super hot guy with head cut out of the frame. Shirtless, of course.]

Sexy brunet looking for a special BBW!
I love to eat, hang out doing nothing, and buy things for my lady.  If you think we could be friends and more, send your pic to [Kiba's email].  
Nudes welcome.


Gratuitous Porn!!!
See the bossy, self-righteous
[info]sakurablossom in the almost buff!!

[OOC: Pictures posted of Sakura being trampy :D They're not behind a cut and are the original size~.
Picture One | Picture Two | Picture Three

In case it's not clear by those, her face is soooo not visible so don't even try it e_e. And unless you are Kiba and have seen her undies no, you can't discern who she is from that either srsly.
Also no, you don't get Naruto's sexy time photos. Just Sakura's =3= ]

If she's really a girl, aren't there supposed to be boobs on her chest?
These were sent to some ancient dude. She likes 'em old and wrinkly. ♥

Goes to show you that if you post it, it'll get found.
Kiba Inuzuka
02 September 2009 @ 08:20 pm
In case anyone was ever wondering, here are a few facts of life:

- [info]konstant can get down like WOAH. And has an amazing appetite. And body. Can I say that??* I just didn't get the impression that she is uhhh the way she is. NO NOT FAT definitely not fat, something different. Kinda threw me. But nice enough. And she is waaay better than

- [info]sakurablossom, who is a fat head and looks like a man and is SUPER OBNOXIOUS.

- There is an assassin going around the 2nd, trying to off little girls. (Little chested anyway.) I'm sure the fine, distinguished police force will be able to stop him. Just like they stopped Masenshi. I'd bet anybody anything that I'm closer to finding said assassin. Even if I don't know his name. Because certain people who have information won't tell me. But I am on the case.

And alright I only know of the one case but it is an assassin in the making.

- And for the most important news of all, I have this awesome bruise on my cheek. ♥

*(DE.LETED. So deleted.)
Kiba Inuzuka
25 August 2009 @ 10:02 pm
#1 !  
I have one.
That's who.
Although I don't think she'll be as cute as my friend will be in her little hospital butt-showing gown. Sexy sexy. ♥  Except you know, the part where I don't know what's going on and I'm actually really freaking worried but whatever, she's stubborn- she'll be fine. Gonna go see tomorrow and she better appreciate it.

Uhh I got into this huge debate with this girl (who was not that cute, so it was fine to argue with her) about the whole revival/resurrection/whatever thing at work. I haven't seen much news on it the last few days but I think it might be true. Especially since it's not hot news. Like a cover-up or something. They make movies about this sort of thing right. Although when they raise people from the dead in those, they don't really discriminate. ...course, they usually want brains or something, so if there is less of that I'm not disagreeing with it.

Oh and I tried playing that game that uh... whatshisface likes to spread around. I definitely beat it. Mostly.
Kiba Inuzuka
07 July 2008 @ 02:50 pm
Character Limits  
Character: Kiba Inuzuka
Age: 18
Classification: Brunet
Occupation: Assistant to a holistic vet in the second district; your resident T.O./Peyton Manning =3=

What is the sexuality of your character?: Women like woah, but also has a taste for penis.

Does your character have any close friends, or relatives? Give a brief description of their relationships.:
Kiba has a buttload of relatives, and he's pretty close with all of them. Naturally though, he's closest to his mother and sister, since they've been there since he popped out. For those two, he'd do damn near anything. He was closer with his old man than his moms, but he's since split and Kiba doesn't see him no mo'. ):

Sakura and Tenten are both real good friends of his, especially considering Ten's got that big mutt, Niet. Feels like he has their back, and they have his, and plus you know. They're cute. Really cute. With a potential for nurse uniforms omfg. Kiba met Sakura last year when he busted himself up real good and she patched him up. She now has him doing all her dirty work. v_v

What kinds of logs do you want your character in most?:
I'm open to anything and everything, but I'd like some logs that showed his distaste for dark-hairs. And/or some logs where his fat ass mouth gets him into trouble with a blonde or two. Or just anyone important. :O Maybe a couple of fights; anything rough and tumble is fair game. Kiba is real good at being social, so situations where he has to be awkward and quiet (read: uncomfortableeee) are definitely a must.

What kinds of logs do you least want your character in?:
I'm not really sure! I'm cool with most things man. Plus Kiba is kind sorta rash, so it's like. Any place, any time.

Is your character sensitive to any topics, and do you want them brought up?:
Naturally sensitive subjects can be brought up! :O
Well he can't stomach executions, and he has a weakness for women. The good looking ones, anyway, despite hair color. And animals, of course, I mean like if you're being all sociopathic (yes that is a word e_e) to cats or dogs, etc, he's gonna step up and say something. Ffff and uh, he's not big into popping pills and will argue about it until his face is as blue as his balls.
But stuff like his dad bailing on the family, he's kind of whatever about to your face, so don't expect him to get all emo on you. :|

Is your character open to having a pet?:
He has a pet. :| WHO IS GORGEOUS, AWWWW YEAH. Way better than any stupid dirt. ):<

YES :D/ Yes ):< / Yes but it'll need to be discussed first, obvs. Basically if it leaves him with a badass scar, it's cool.

Sexual situations?
Why aren't you undressed yet?

Anything else we should know?
(my cock is much bigger than yours~)
Kiba Inuzuka
07 July 2008 @ 01:10 pm
Contact & Application  
Name: Eliza
AIM: ignition city
LJ: cantata140
Best Contact Method: Email or PM through this journal/my personal journal.
Previous RP Experience: Kank over at Host Club.

Name: Kiba Inuzuka
Age: 18
PB: Chace Crawford
Classification: Brunette
Occupation: Assistant to a holistic vet; resident David Beckham~ ♥
Background & History )

Personality & Likes/Dislikes )

Sample Posts )