Entry nine: Hibernation begins...now.
[Private]I think I'm just going to stay locked away in my room, and sleep until this year is over.
God, that's pretty pathetic, isn't it?
I just wish that wasn't really what I feel like doing.
I've already slept for such a long time. I passed out at like....9 last night, and slept until 12 this afternoon, and started crying again as soon as I was awake enough to remember everything that happened. I was just so tired.
I don't want to bring everyone down with me, but how am I supposed to keep this a secret? Everyone has more important things to worry about. I'm sure they'll figure out something is wrong when they mention Dan and I start crying,
again. This should be fun.
need want to eat a lot of unhealthy food.
I'm talking about greasy, fried things that are dipped in chocolate.
Any suggestions?
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