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Marlie Loke

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[30 Jan 2020|01:10pm]
The one who sees clear. )

[info]isleofpoderes | [info]poderesmods
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Entry eleven: Pain in the- [15 Jul 2009|07:14am]
My butt hurts.

So does my head.

I have a butt ache and a head ache.

And that is all I have to say, at this time.
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Entry ten: Splitting headache... [20 Jun 2009|08:10am]
Gabe )

If I had plans with anyone today, I'm gonna have to cancel them. I don't feel good.

I'll call everyone tomorrow, if I'm feeling better.
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Entry nine: Hibernation begins...now. [20 May 2009|06:36pm]
Private )

I need want to eat a lot of unhealthy food.

I'm talking about greasy, fried things that are dipped in chocolate.

Any suggestions?
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Entry eight: Time for a check up. [11 May 2009|08:42am]
Private )

Gabe )

I've come to realize that I do not mix well with Vodka.

Or, at least not the amount of it I had on Saturday.

Gotta learn the hard way, right?

On another note, I'm so excited for school to be over. No school means more time to spend doing things I actually like to do. I'm sick of writing papers, instead of hanging out with my friends.

Also? Said friends who don't already work with me should definitely stop by my job today, since I'm working 10-6 today.
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Entry seven: Can't be happening... [04 May 2009|04:59pm]
Someone tell me that what I saw was wrong.

That it didn't really happen. Please.

I can't go back to work today.

My head hurts.
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Entry six: Take a cha-cha-cha-chance! [27 Apr 2009|08:39am]



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Entry five: Britain DOES have talent! [21 Apr 2009|05:15pm]
Holy crap!

Susan Boyle, ftw!

If anyone hasn't heard this woman sing before...I feel bad for you. Everyone should go watch her now, because she's amazing.


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Entry four: Here comes the bride...soon! [31 Mar 2009|03:29pm]
So, who else is excited about next week?

Dan )
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Entry three: To-do list. Ho hum. [19 Mar 2009|04:02pm]
Things I've gotta do, in no particular order:

- Finish my English midterm.
- Buy new clothes. Seriously, I feel like I haven't gone shopping in about 8 years...
Alright, maybe it's been 3 months, but STILL.
- Get my dress fitted for the wedding...and be reminded that I'm shaped like a 13 year old boy. UGH.
- Finish my math homework.
- Remind my boss for the millionth time that my name is Marlie, and not Marlene.
- Steal my glitter pen back from Alena. ( Yes, I know you still have it, buttface! xD )
- Get my hair cut.
- Hang out with Gabe and Abbey again. I haven't seen either of them in EONS. ( Grr! )
- Change my Myspace song, because having the Sesame Street theme was funny for a while, but now it's making me want to punch something in the face.
- Pick somewhere to go to dinner tonight, because Dan chose last time. I'm so indecisive!
- Do laundry.
- Buy some more pickles for my Mom.
- Buy some more pickles for my Dad. I think they both need their own jars.

Hmmmmmm... I'm sure there's more, but I can't think of anything else!
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Entry two: Kirby cuteness. [21 Feb 2009|02:54am]
Oh my Gosh!

Do you guys remember Kirby?

Okay, well, if you do, you should look at this, because it's absolutely adorable. And even if you have no idea who Kirby is, you can not deny the cuteness that is:

This Picture )

Isn't it SO CUTE?

I'm easily amused.

Dan, you should apprecite number 31. xDDD
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Entry one: Valentines! [14 Feb 2009|07:54pm]
Dan )

Mmmm...candy hearts.

Someone should really keep an eye on me with those things laying around, because I might slip into a diabetic coma or something after consuming far too many sugary sweets.

No pressure or anything.

It's either that, or take them away from me...but that will make me sad. And then Valentine's day will suck.
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