Dealing With Others
57. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? Oh wow, that's a tough question. Dinah is really, super-smart, and that's important. Ruth is really together, which is always good too. My Mom's handler still takes care of a lot of things, and not just for her. And Mr. Whiskers, Mr. Unicorn, Mr. Hockey and King Triton are the best friends anyone could want... but Cait is a princess, and that's probably most important of all, just because... well, princess.
58. Who is the person you respect the most? Despise the most? Why? Ronald McDonald lets all those sick kids live at his house. I may not like his wardrobe, but that's amazing. I don't like despising people, but Mr. Screechy who said I could meet the Baroness and then I didn't... I don't like him.
59. Do you have a significant other? Who? A significant other what?
60. Do you have a lot of friends? Who is your best friend? I have tons of friends. Brandi, Mandy, Buffy, Cait, Dinah, Mr. Hockey, Mr. Whiskers, Mr. Unicorn, Ruth, Barbie. Tons. Mr. Whiskers is the best listener though, and I haven't sworn BFFs with anyone.
61. How do you relate to members of the same race? Class? Sex? Most of the people I've raced with have been pretty nice. People in my classes were mostly ok, but some of the dance team girls were pretty rude. I get along fine with other girls. I love doing hair and nails and stuff and helping make them pretty and fashionable.
62. How do you relate to members of a different race? Class? Sex? Most are ok, I guess, but I don't like people who race cars very much. Most of them seem like jerks. How would I know who's in what class? Boys are cool too, and I'm figuring out more of men's fashion. Not as much you can do with hair and makeup and stuff, but still. Everyone should look their best.
63. Have you ever been in love? If so, describe what happened. No, but that's ok.
64. What do you look for in a potential lover? I don't.
65. How close are you to your family? I don't have much family, but Mom and I get along great. Her handler and his boyfriend are almost like family though.
66. Do you want a marriage, family, and/or children? I'd love to do bridal work sometime, but no.
67. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? I only argue with people when they're wrong.
68. Are you a listener or a talker? I'm not deaf or mute, so both. What kind of weird question is this?
69. How long does it usually take for you to trust others? I trust people pretty quickly. Except when they lie. Then I stop trusting them.
70. Do you hold grudges? It depends on what they've done. For most things, not long.
71. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations? Only during fashion emergencies.
72. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Yes.
73. How well do you express yourself? Really well. I always tell the truth and say what I mean. So I can't imagine anyone not getting what I'm talking about. Unless they're really weird or from strange places like Atlantis, outer space or Texas.
74. How quickly do you judge others? I usually figure out people pretty fast.
75. Do you care what others think of you? Of course.
76. Do you have any enemies? How or why are they your enemy? Only some really mean people like zombies and Mr. Screechy.
Personal Taste and Opinions
77. What is your favorite pastime? Color? Food? Possession? Doing hair, with clothing a close second, shopping third. Obviously, Indigo. Pizza. Mr. Unicorn.
78. What are your preferences in arts and/or entertainment? I loved art class, but finger painting was always the best. There should be a museum for that. I really like concerts, or at least live music – and anything that people need to dress really nice for.
79. Do you smoke, drink, go whoring, or use drugs? Why or why not? No, no, no, no. I think that's the right number of nos. I'll say one more, just in case. No.
80. How do you spend a typical Saturday night? Trying to get the girls to dress up and go out somewhere.
81. What is your most cherished fantasy? I want to have my very own unicorn to ride.
82. How long is your attention span? I do lots of stuff needing attention. Getting hair dye just right, not buying anything til I find the exact right shade... I never get distracted or anything.
83. Do you laugh a lot? What do you find funny? I can't help it, a lot of people say silly things.
84. Is there anything that shocks or offends you? If so, what? For the first one, electricity, duh. And then really mean people.
85. How do you deal with stress? Retail therapy! Or helping someone look really good always makes me feel better.
86. How much athletic ability do you have? Artistic? A lot. I was one of the best cheerleaders in school. And it depends on the art, but I'm really good with colors.
87. Do you like animals? Do you like children? I love animals and want more! I like other people's children, most of the time.
88. Are you spontaneous, or do you always need to have a plan? When its important, like shopping or doing restoration work, I always have a plan. For kind of less important things, like fighting supervillains, I just go with the flow.
89. What are your pet peeves? What are peeves? Are they cute? Can I have one?
90. What is your greatest strength as a person? Weakness? I like to help people. Apparently I did some bad things before. Maybe I trust people a little too easy... but I don't really want to start being one of those mean, scowly people who doesn't look for the good things in everyone.
91. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? I'd help more people!
92. Are you generally introverted or extroverted? What?
93. Do you like yourself? Of course.
94. Do you have a daily routine? How do you feel if your day is interrupted? Not really.
95. What goal do you most want to accomplish in the next six months? Your lifetime? I want to make the JLI the world's most fashionable, best looking super team in the world. Eventually, I want to either own my own shop, or work for one of the big publications doing hair and skin and stuff.
96. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 20 years? How should I know? Ask someone with time travel powers.
97. If you could choose, how would you want to die? Hmm, red might look weird with the indigo, but I might try a soft auburn for a little bit.
98. What is the one thing you would like to be remembered for after your death? I want people to remember I made the world a better and better looking place.
99. What three words would you use to best describe your personality? Compassionate, Cheerful and... how many was that?
100. What three words would others probably use to describe you? Why would other people describe me any different?
101. Why are you risking your life to adventure? I don't really remember, but it must have been a good idea.