

January 6th, 2012

Winter Carnival @ 04:16 pm


Who: Everyone
When: Friday-Sunday, Winter Carnival
Rating: NSFW
Summary: Three days of winter celebration

It's time for the winter carnival! The grounds were covered in fluffy snow, nearly all of it being artificial but being in the mountains there was just the tiniest amount of real snow. It was chilly enough to keep the snow from melting all weekend as well. Snow people, snow flakes, hot cocoa stands, and snow balls dot the land.

King's Hall is decorated in snow flakes, with blue and silver as the main two colors. The ceiling had been charmed to look as though snow flakes were falling from it and all weekend little tables were set up with snacks and drinks. Staff monitored the party and mingled through the crowd while aurors were stationed on the outsides of the building. It was a strange mixture of surveillance and festivities.
