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Kayla Marie.

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[Mar. 23rd, 2008|04:04 pm]
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[Current Mood | drained]

Last night I got so upset with Hunter.He just doesn't realize that WE have to pay the bills, not his mommy anymore. He went and got another tattoo. :[ Granted it's for me & all.. It just upsets me that we could use that money for food. I was so upset that when he asked me if I loved him I told him 'I didn't know.' I feel so awful for saying it because he means the world to me. I'm such a little brat sometimes. =/

Today we were suppose to go eat at his parent's house but I've been really sick today & threw up. So, he went alone. I bet they think I'm avoiding them or something cause I haven't seen them in forever because of work. I need to buy them something for Easter. I just don't know what...


[User Picture]From: [info]contrary
2008-03-25 04:26 am (UTC)


Ah i didn't know you had a scribbld!
Well babe I always have this free time...
and nothing to do with it
and i would love to hang out and spend time and see you and meet hunter
and you can get out of the house and see other people
I would love to see you.

Im sorry you got upset with Hunter.
I can understand why.
Drew is being a big lazy ass and skateboards instead of finding a job.
I got pissed today and yelled at him about it and...
he didnt get mad
it was amazing.
At least the tattoo was for you. :)
And you do love him.
But it is good you said something and made a fuss, wasting money is not something to shrug off.