Rebel With a Clue

Facts about Chloe Lucita Abbott slash Disclaimer

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Facts about Chloe Lucita Abbott slash Disclaimer

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10. Full name: Chloe Lucita Abbott
11. Age: 18
12. Gender: Female
13. Blood (half, pure, etc.): half
14. Sexual orientation: bi-curious

15. Background and Past (be specific): William met Pilar on a trip to Spain and fell in love with her. The two were married quickly and had three children, Hugh, Clara, and Chloe. Chloe grew up in middle-class Wizarding society, fretting between the two worlds with ease as they spent the holidays in Spain with Pilar's family. Chloe's history as a rebel is an early one as she fought with her sister constantly about dress up. Who cared about fashion when there was so much more to do?

While Chloe and Clara sparred as children, she and Hugh got along relatively ok. He inspired her to go out for the Quidditch team, to always hold her own, and not to be so fashion conscious as her sister. Chloe cares little about fashion, and entered Hogwarts with the mindset to not be like her sister, to form her own friends. Because of her easy-going personality, Chloe made friends easily; because of her troublesome personality, she landed herself (most often with her friends) in detention just as easily. Her favourite saying however is: "A good friend will bail you out of detention. A great friend will be caught in the action and serve it together with you".

Her favourite class was Care of Magical Creatures, though she does wish at times the class could be more interesting. After her third class, she was dared to go into the Lake and touch the squid, which she rather valiantly attempted to do. She quickly gained the reputation as someone who wasn't afraid of danger- or bets. There's not a single bet you'll ask her to do that she'll turn down- no matter the consequences. She doesn't think often of what's going to happen once she graduates- she figures there'll be something for her to go causing after and creating a ruckus. Several have suggested being a newspaper reporter, but Chloe isn't into sitting and writing. Picture-taking, however, she is fond of- the odder the angle, the better. At times, on her many dares, Chloe can be seen wearing a camera to snap a great picture. She hasn't broken her camera yet and won't stop even if it does break.

Currently she's in her final year, a little worried about the future, but not too much and is glad to have renewed her relationship with her sister. Now, if only to figure out what to do with the rest of her life ...

16. Appearance: Chloe has a round baby face, much to her chagrin, as she is the baby of the family. She has high cheekbones, which are prone to blushing, straight brown hair, and brown eyes. While her brother and sister took after their father in their English fairness, Chloe takes after her mother, not only with her dark locks and eyes, but with her short statue as well. Standing at only five feet two inches, Chloe struggles to make herself heard and often feels like more of a baby due to her shortness in height. She is fairly well built, and has excellent upper body strength, rare for women. She delights in the fact that she is just as strong as the boys and likes to hold her own against them.

17. Personality and Behavior (again, be specific): Too rambunctious to be a prefect, Chloe has settled into the roll of troublemaker/rebel. She's got ideas and she's not afraid to act them out or use them. Her greatest inspirations growing up? Why, the Mauraders of course. She's a free spirit, hotheaded, and damned determined. She likes flying in the face of authority and actively tries to do so. She's had several detentions (usually at least once a week). It was a wonder she dated Dedalus, but there's something to be said about opposites attracting. She's got a bubbly, likeable personality- she's friendly, and open and
isn't afraid of strangers. She bucks fashion, wearing anything she feels comfortable in, and leads her life in the same manner, whatever she's comfortable with. She's not sure what she wants to do after sitting her NEWTs, except become a professional rebeller against something. She's easy to fall for a cause, but she can quickly tell if it's something worth fighting for. (Students for Troll Rights? No, thanks. Students Against Stupid School? That she'd GLADLY sign up for. It is spelled SASS after all).

18. Plot ideas for the characters/clubs or activities: I think she'd e a member or attempt to be a member of the feminist club just to cause trouble, She'd like DADA and the Muggle Sports club and would also attempt to crash several of the Beautification meetings. I'm assuming largely unsuccessfully. She'd want to be in the photography club, but might find it too boring for her tastes. I'd like for her to be a beater (instead of Marissa Atkins), if that's possible?

19. RPG sample (third-person entry; be creative and descriptive, and have at least two good paragraphs):

Acid pops were the best inventions on the planet, Chloe was convinced. She couldn't get enough of them. Bribing her with them worked well. Attempting to bribe her to do something daring with Acid Pops? Hell, Chloe would have done it without the acid pops, but as long as they were being offered ...

She had an acid pop dangling dangerously from her lips as she struggled to keep her hold on the castle wall. The balcony was still a good ten feet up, but so was she. Eventually, she could hear the gasps of the people down below, and the cautious way of which her friends took bets. She'd make it, she had just nine more feet to go. Letting go of the wall with one hand, she adjusted her acid pop, then waved to the crowd below, delighting as they screamed.

Six more feet, five more- and they said this would be hard? The crowd on the bottom had grown quiet- either that or she could hardly hear them with the blood pounding in her ears. Four more and-

She was hit with something- a Stinging hex, but she wasn't focusing on that- and she scrabbled to grip the wall as she slid down to the ground. It was eerily quiet. She saw the boots, spit on them (bloody) as she stood, her palms scuffed, her chin dripping. The acid pop was long gone.

"Detention Ms. Abbott," McGonagall said, her voice sharp. "Madam Pomfrey is waiting for you in the hospital ward. Please be at my office at seven pm." Without waiting for a reply, the woman swept her robes about her and stomped away.

"Bugger," Chloe muttered, shaking her stinging palms. "I was so close."

20. Journal sample (narrative/first-person entry; have at least two good paragraphs): Right, know what's weird? Everyone all fretting about being married. Puh-lease. The thing to fret about is the actual wedding. Where it will be, flowers, what to do with your two fighting sisters ... but being married? Hell, if you love each other and you've already been sort-of living together, what difference does a piece of paper make? And the addition of in-laws? All right, I suppose they make some difference, but please, could everyone stop whinging about how much your life will be over once you marry? Especially if you're the ones who keep sneaking off to go snog. Not having a piece of paper that pronounces you as man and wife doesn't seem to stop you from snogging, why should the actual piece of paper?

Worried about babies? Here's a clue- they happen regardless of that piece of paper. Shagging? Well, there's a chance. And no, you do not get pregnant just once a month, it can happen any time during the month, good god, didn't anyone's parents give them a really embarrassing sex-talk? Or was I the only one?

Well, anyone who needs lessons in the basics, bring a banana and cup of hot cocoa (and an acid pop or two) to the tree on the hill opposite the Whomping Willow, tomorrow at four.

I'll be waiting.

This journal was created for [info]valesco, a canon compliant Harry Potter Role Playing Game. The surname Abbott was created by JK Rowling and is not being used with the intend to make a profit. Anna Popplewell quite nicely belongs to herself. Any other writing and characterisations of Chloe Abbott are my own. No copyright infringement on either woman is intended.
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