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F/O - CTBA! [26 Jan 2009|02:06pm]

"Hollywood is a place where they'll pay you a thousand dollars for a kiss and fifty cents for your soul." -Marilyn Monroe.
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♥: Anon. [26 Jan 2009|02:09pm]

Post whatever you want here, anonymously. Tell me about your day, that cute boy you met at that party, who makes your heart beat really fast, what you're afraid of, your recent heartaches. Anything! This one's for you, lovebugs!
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♥: Something I tried. [26 Jan 2009|11:35pm]
Goodies. )

I made this, and this girl isn't me, but I just picked a random picture.
This was my first time trying to do this, so its not amazing.
But ohwell. I tried. :]
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