1. David is the oldest and most level-headed of Cerdian and Rose's two children. Most often, he can be found trying to talk (or forcibly drag) his younger sister away from this week's Bad Idea. Having a Green Lantern ring helps with this...sometimes.
2. Jenna Ellington has piercing violet eyes, inherited from her father, but she looks much like her mother in every other way. She loves to show her parents mystic ability, though her father isn't very keen on how she plays with her powers. Cerdian and Rose aren't sure where she got her knack for mischief, but they're blaming Jimmy and Lian.
3. Weekends are spent swimming about the ocean and playing with the fish. Even Mommy gets to come along when Dad casts the water-breathing spell upon her. Grandma Dolphin spoils her grandchildren rotten, as long as they remember why Elvis and Las Vegas are evil.
4. Grandpa Garth does his best be the serious grandparent, but he loves watching Jenna's magic shows and constantly has to tell Dad to "chill out" and let them have fun.
5. Both kids make sure to take extra-special care of Dad when Mom is away on Odym, because otherwise, he forgets to eat and come out of his study.
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