1. It started out as a dare of sorts. They'd set the date, time and place and continually asked each other if they were sure. They'd both assured each other that they wanted to do this and set some manner of horrible punishment for the one who chickened out.
2. Both Mia and Tim nearly cancel ten times each as the date approaches.
3. Thinking to surprise each other and wanting to make the event special, they both try to show up an hour ahead of time to decorate the place and make it more...intimate.
4. They run into each other and laugh at how they're always trying to outsmart each other, no matter how many times it ends in a tie. They make sure they are safe before they commit to doing this.
5. They spend the rest of the night and most of the next day enjoying each other, and somewhere along the way, Tim and Mia admit that this was what they both always wanted, but were afraid to ask for.
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