1. Austin met Lyta at a Autism Research Benefit. Worthington Industries donated the biggest check to the cause, and Austin had to make nice and speak to her. They had a nice, long conversation, but when he asked her to get coffee sometime, she turned him down.
2. He saw her again a month later at another charity event and, once again, they had a good time, talked for hours on end, to the exclusion of others. Again, he asked if she would go out with him. Again, she turned him down.
3. He sent flowers, singing telegrams, candy and other tokens. She often sent letters thanking him, but she never went beyond that.
4. This went on for three months, and it drove Austin crazy. She would speak to him, she enjoyed his company, but she wouldn't go out with him. Finally, he "got the message" and ended his efforts to woo her, believing she wanted nothing to do with him.
5. Two months later, she showed up on the set of his latest movie to the shock of pretty much everyone. Austin played it cool, wondering why she was here. She explained that the last guy she'd been with hurt her deeply, that he'd used her and then cast her aside. He showered her with gifts and affection, but he treated her poorly in the end. She needed to know he was serious and she realized he was when she heard he'd left town.
So she flew all the way to across the country, under her own power, to find him.
They've been happy ever since.
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