1. Their first son is named Peter, after both of his grandfathers, but goes by Nick to avoid confusion when they're all in the same room. Peter doesn't have Spider-Powers, but it's nearly impossible to sneak up on the boy. Whenever anyone tries, his "sixth-sense" goes off and he's already teleported elsewhere.
2. Katherine Jane "Janey" Parker inherited spider-powers and the ability to camouflage herself to her surroundings. She often tries to sneak up on her brother, only to break something in failing. Then she uses said power to hide from Mom and Dad so she doesn't get in trouble.
3. James Parker, third in line, lives and interesting life. Rather than becoming intangible, any object or person he touches does so. Eating was a challenge for a long time, but he eventually becomes a valuable young X-Man.
4. Luke Parker, the baby of the family, accidentally summoned his first demon the other day. He now spends his weekends in Limbo with Aunt Illyana working to control his magic. Dad's eyebrows grew back...eventually.
5. Ben and Ellie said they were done having kids at Luke, but the test came up positive six months ago, and now they're waiting to see what new joy comes down the line. They think they have enough insurance to cover a pyrokinetic or another magic user, but the ultrasound showed that this kid has at /least/ four arms.
Ben's dad says that this /might/ not being anything to worry about. His sister May agrees, but Ben and Ellie notice the unsure look they give each other.
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