The Gravelings ([info]blinkanditsgone) wrote on September 7th, 2010 at 01:02 am
Biography: Ganymede Orion
Ganymede Orion
Daughter of Stars

One for Thoughts
One for Feelings
One to take home to the stars

Name: Ganymede Orion
Age: 541 years old. She is not entirely certain what day her birthday is, but her human family always celebrated the day she came to live with them, which was April 4th.
Gender/Preference: female form, stars don't really have gender or preference in the human sense, living among mages she sees herself as female, but that's as far as she'll go
Title: Star
Student/Scholar/Graduate: she did not attend school
Residence: Homestead, though she travels often and stays other places
Magical abilities: The star has magical abilities beyond that of a normal mage. In particular she has control over light and her body can emit it (she could be her own flashlight). She can fly and exist in the vacuum of space. She doesn't need to eat or drink, but she does around her adoptive family and will share a bottle of wine with Hamlin. Other abilities have not become truly apparent.
Appearance: She does not appear to age, at least not like a regular mage. She does not quite look real, perhaps a side effect of being an ethereal being. She has long blondish hair. Her eyes are dark and often lined with kohl; they have a surreal sparkle. Her lips are often pouty, usually pale like her skin. Her skin does emit light even when she's not trying to, very pale and enough to make her stand out even in a well lit room. She is slender and of medium height.

Personality: Quiet and unassuming. She doesn't put on airs or have any grand idea of herself. She is rather humble and quite literally down to earth. She's very bright, quite smart for not being educated. She is still very young for a star, though she acts like a very old mage.
Strengths: She is very smart.
Weaknesses: She gets sleepy during the daytime and will often fall asleep if out in the sun too long.
Quirks: She likes to be sung to sleep. Alcohol and natural drugs (as there are no synthetics in Aylasia) do not affect her. However, what can get her drunk is the genuine laughter of faeries. She likes things to be quiet, part of the reason why she still lives in Homestead.
Secrets: Ganymede doesn't keep many secrets, though few people know that she was married to Hamlin. This secret has since been learned.

Ganymede doesn't know that during her marriage to Hamlin she had a daughter who was taken from her and her memory of the child was erased.

Biography: Born of two of the stars in the Orion constellation (Meissa and Saiph), Ganymede was a surprisingly pale star. It was if she didn't have the constitution to be a star, burning bright in the ether. Her parents were not ashamed, but they realized she couldn't live in the sky as they did, that she'd be far better off somewhere else, maybe in a place of magic. They found Aylasia more than suitable and trusted her with a family that could raise her into being more mage-like.

She loved her adoptive family, but even trying, it was clear that she couldn't be much other than a star, even if a lackluster one in the heavens. She did not attend Salem Academy (as it hadn't been formed yet) and did not learn much by way of home-schooling. She simply didn't have a knack for basic mage magic.

She was briefly married to Hamln Graves in his youth and what could be considered her adolescence. They were young and impetuous with their love, marrying early and fading slowly after several years until their marriage bond dissipated entirely. They remain good friends to this day and few people even know that they were once married.

Most of the mage family that adopted her has died of old age, but the grandchildren remain to call her auntie Ganymede. She rolls her eyes at that, since most of them are taller and older looking than she is. She currently resides in a quiet, little house in Homestead close to her adopted family.

She began a relationship with Garage Wells who moved into her house. As a result she also has a part in Enki Chance's life as a kind of step-mom, aunt figure. Last year Corvus, another pale star who is also very young, landed in her backyard. She suspects that her mother had a hand in this. She has taken guardianship of Corvus and is raising him alongside Enki.
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