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a silver pool of light ([info]blairbear) wrote,
@ 2008-07-25 20:48:00

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Leona @ Grimmingly :: INCOMPLETE
Name: Kiwi
Did you have any holds? Yep!
Way of Contact: electricbird7 @ AIM, etc.

Name: Leona Cooper
Age: Leona was a TREE. She didn't exactly keep time very well. She can say, however, that she's been on Earth 196 years, and is often mistaken for a 12-year old.
Profession: Child genius. It's about time she used her accumulated knowledge for fame and fortune. There's occasionally little fluff pieces about her on news channels.
Location: New York City

Fairy-Tale Character: The Wishing Tree, Cinderella
Ability: Wish-granting. Mind, there are certain strings attached to said granting. The words, "I wish" have to be spoken, and the person wishing needs to be in hearing distance of Leona. Of course, Leona cannot grant every wish and generally, the simpler the wish is, the easier it is to make come true (so she couldn't make Person A randomly fall in love with Person B. However, if feelings for both parties are already there, she might give one person the extra burst of confidence to come clean). For example, if someone really, really, wishes for a cup of coffee, they might find that the local Starbucks is giving away free samples, or someone accidentally left a full cup of coffee on the bus. There is also the factor of Leona's mood. If she's feeling angry or depressed, said person might find themself colliding with someone who happens to have a hot mug of coffee in their hand. And then getting coffee all over their clothes and hair, and possible some kind of mild burn on their skin. Leona doesn't decide to grant wishes, it just happens.
Evolution of the Tale: Once upon a time, Leona was a lovely and noble Wishing Tree. Then some idiot decided to publish her life story (though that Cinderella girl got a lot more attention then she was worth. Honestly, what was it with writers and doe-eyed blondes?), and she somehow became a human child. A child. It was all rather humiliating.
How open is your character about their tale? Not open at all. Most people don't even know the Wishing Tree exists, after all. Something Leona is not all too happy about. How'd people take two very different and lovely beings and morph them into a dumpy, old woman who uses a silly piece of wood and the help of assorted woodland creatures to do her bidding? HOW?

Personality: Leona does not have much faith in humanity. She
Sexuality: Heterosexual, though asexual is probably closer to the mark. Also, body of a 12-year old.
1812 - Leona is miraculously "born" into the world. To say she is shocked would be akin to calling World War II, "kind of a problem." At first, she travels with the White Bird, seeing as you can't get real far when you look like you're 12.
1819 - Leona realizes that she's not aging at all. She thinks this is terribly inconvenient, but what can you do?
1823 - Adopted by a very nice couple looking for a quiet, no-nonsense child and lives comfortably for five years.
1828 - She runs away from her adoptive parents, because frankly, the no-aging thing was beginning to be a problem.
1830 - The next 140 some years Leona spends going through a similar pattern: adopted, stay still for several years, fake death/kidnapping, move onto different city. She becomes skilled in forging various documents and signatures.
1974 - Leona goes through a brief stint as a musical prodigy - all those years of harp/violin/piano/cello/flute lessons sure paid off.
1980 - She reads a little piece in the newspaper about some child genius discovered in Pennsylvania. Leona spends the next 25 years expanding her knowledge as much as possible (extremely amusing how many college libraries will let you through their doors if you widen your eyes a bit and talk about trying to find your mother).
2005 - Adopted by an extremely elderly, but wealthy, couple. Leona starts her child prodigy stage by doing some college level proofs and "accidentally" turning them in with her math homework.
2006 - Leona hits it big. She's talked about on several news channels, does a few TV interviews, and is on the cover of TIME magazine. She thinks this will be rather problematic for her future non-aging self, but tries not to think about it too much - this prodigy thing is a surprising amount of fun.
2008 - The main wave of her publicity from the big reveal has trickled off, but the amount of money she's received from endorsements from various educational companies really makes it so that Leona doesn't care very much.

Chosen Portrayed-By: Ivana Baquero
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