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a silver pool of light ([info]blairbear) wrote,
@ 2008-05-20 23:46:00

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Current mood: cheerful
Current music:the call - regina spektor

Fences // Gossip Girl // Jenny Humphrey
Title: Fences
Song: "Fences" by Paramore
Rating: G-PG
Character/Pairing: Jenny Humphrey
Spoilers: Clips up to 1x18: Much "I Do" About Nothing, but not particularly spoilery
Summary: The rise and fall of a 9th grade social-climber :: Don't you know by now / You can't turn back / Because this road is all you'll ever have
Watch: YouTube, iMeem
Download: Mediafire 
Disclaimer: All clips & media copyright their respective owners. I own nothing.
Notes: At first, I'd intended to make a sympathetic Jenny vid to combat all the Jenny-hate, but this...definitely isn't it. I think "Fences" is the perfect Jenny song. She's not cut out to be Queen Bee so every day she stays on top she loses a bit of herself, yet she can't back down.  This was really fun to make, and definitely took me the shortest time (one week, I am a very slow vidder, LOL). *g* Enjoy!

Next Project: House and Amber centric finale vid (House M.D.)

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2008-05-22 08:33 pm UTC (link)

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