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a silver pool of light ([info]blairbear) wrote,
@ 2008-03-28 23:34:00

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Someone find me an appropriate dark-haired, awkward-looking male PB that looks about 16, plz.

(Just not Nicholas Hoult because he is taken and now I kind of want to kick something because he was MY PERFECT TOM. *pouts*)

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(Reply from suspended user)
Re: Ok. Attempts to be helpful.
2008-03-30 07:32 am UTC (link)
GRARGH, apparently the last four people are in locked entries. I've put in a friending request for the iconmaker, but until then, some things I've thought of while doing laundry!

I'm thinking no models for Tom because he is far too awkward to ever have anything close to a model face at any time (and I've found that male models tend to make even less expressions then female ones. Or maybe it's just that no one icons male model's expressions). One PB I love is young!Jared Padalecki. He's adorable, crazy tall, awkward looking, has the proper hair, the only thing is NO ONE EVER ICONS HIM AT THE AGE I WANT. According to IMDB, he was on Gilmore Girls for like, five years, so why are all his icons from Supernatural? GAH.

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Re: Ok. Attempts to be helpful.
2008-03-30 07:43 am UTC (link)
Oh, wait! I can see them now!

GUY 1 - Too much model face.
GUY 2 - Hah, I kind of like him! Only, I kind of think of him as Davey Gudgeon whenever I look at him.
GUY 3 - Er, his eyes kind of scare me.
GUY 4 - I think his face it too...square? IDEK.
GUY 5 - OMIGOD, ADORABLE! Uh, wow, I think I love him.

I shall think on these overnight! ♥

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(Reply from suspended user)
Re: Ok. Attempts to be helpful.
2008-03-30 08:59 pm UTC (link)
Aw, thanks so much, hun! I really appreciate it. ♥

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