Current mood: | confused |
Current music: | osama! musical song from skins |
Er, this is just so I can straighten out a couple of PB related issues I have for Ismene and her family. Feel free to ignore or contribute!
ISMENE LYRA NOTT - 7th year Slytherin (17)
A happy, friendly person who has friends in all Houses and has people going "How the fuck did she get into Slytherin?" Until she gets mad. When she feels she (or a person she cares about) has been wronged she won't hesitate to "accidentally" slip poison in someone's pumpkin juice, or maybe cut off all someone's hair while their sleeping, or turn someone's skin green. For a year.
---> Hannah Murray
Evelyn Grace Nott nee Gallagher (36)
---> Rachel Weisz
---> Rosamund Pike
Leonardo Richard Nott (40)
---> Gerard Butler
Madeline Ava Nott (15)
---> Emily Browning
---> Ellen Page
Anabel Calliope Nott (10)
---> Adair Tishler
Antony Tristan Nott (10)
---> Colin Ford
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