Current mood: | stressed |
holy crap
Okay, I am seriously spazzing out here. I have this huge ass History project due on Monday, which I haven't exactly been focusing on and I have to do so much homework before tomorrow which in iteself wouldn't be such a catastrophe except with said History project I have a partner and we have not communicated this entire weekend and if we don't e-mail my teacher this stupid thing by tomorrow WE GET A ZERO. And yeah, I don't exactly have the stuff I need with me since it's on my school account and I never e-mailed it to myself since I thought I could just do it on Friday, only we had a SNOW DAY of Friday, and yeah I was elated then but now I am so, so, freaked and I have no idea what to do, and I AM GOING TO FAIL OMIGOD.
I probably should have e-mailed my teacher about this on Friday, but I didn't and if I e-mail her now what if she thinks it's only because I'm trying to generate an excuse or something? Should I just e-mail her now? I have no freaking idea since I don't really know my History teacher that well; like how I know that my English teacher would totally shut me down about how this was unacceptable but my Latin teacher would give me like a four day extension if this happened. Just ARGH. And my friend told me that my teacher never checks her e-mail anyway, so it probably wouldn't get to her until tomorrow morning and I'd still be screwed.
Best case scenario she decides to be nice and have the project not due until Tuesday but I don't think she'll do that and I feel so stressed right now. I just wish someone would tell me what to do, so I can stay up until 4:00 A.M. or whatever but at least I'd get it done, and just....crap. I am so screwed.
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