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a silver pool of light ([info]blairbear) wrote,
@ 2008-02-18 22:34:00

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Current mood: pissed off
Current music:the river - missy higgins

CJ IS DOWN. AGAIN. SOME MORE. This is kind of upsetting (but, er, not in a big way, more of an annoying way - which is why I probably should go back and change it to "This is kind of annoying" but, ah well...) because I WANT TO RP.  LIKE, RIGHT NOW. 

So people, if you happen to know any good RPGs on IJ or CJ (or LJ I guess, but I don't think I'd be able to handle only having 6-15 userpics) TELL ME PLZ?

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2008-02-20 02:34 am UTC (link)
OK, thanks! :D

(Hah, I was actually thinking of maybe apping for Scotopia because I've read through some threads and actually get what's going on.)

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2008-02-21 12:42 am UTC (link)
Scotopia is awesome. :D

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