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a silver pool of light ([info]blairbear) wrote,
@ 2008-02-17 03:21:00

Previous Entry  Add to memories!  Tell a Friend!  Next Entry
Current mood: sore
Current music:unbroken - missy higgins

journal revamp
Changed my layout, profile, and header. They feature the too-gorgeous-for-this-world Aimee Teegarden as Julie Tayler on Friday Night Lights


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2015-11-09 05:51 pm UTC (link)
Remove card motilium pharmacy (http://denali2013.org/teachers-section/#depend) "There was some concern, but we were hoping for the best, and they eventually popped up," he said. He was able to keep track of the family with the help of the Coast Guard as they were transferred from ship to ship.

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