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Black Forest Mod ([info]blackforestmod) wrote,
@ 2010-12-18 00:27:00

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Entry tags:wanted


This is the wanted page. Here the current players have a chance to tell us who/what they want to see in the game. We, the mods, then take that information and pass it on to the prospective players. This is a chance for new folks to find a launching point if they are unsure as to what they would like to do. These characters no only provide currently players with something they want, but incoming players a chance to hop right into current plots.

If you have questions or concerns, like always, feel free to ask! If you just want to get right to it? Snatch up the code below, fill it out, then hit reply. Wanted post will be updated once or twice a week, so keep an eye out.


Snow White's evil queen mother-in-law
Snow White's ex-husband
The Evil Fairy/Maleficent

[info]blackforestmod | [info]theblackforest | [info]blackforestooc


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2011-04-12 06:36 pm UTC (link)
Derp derp, hello!

So, we haven't really closed. It is mostly due to the fact that I, one of the mod team, have had a fairly busy schedule lately. If we have interest in the community, I have no problem with keeping things running.

And Ana has already replied so, :). No worries on the character.

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2011-04-12 06:37 pm UTC (link)
Awww, there you are! And I didn't even have to poke anyone!

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2011-04-12 06:38 pm UTC (link)
Email. Worship it, for it is of the awesome.

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2011-04-12 06:40 pm UTC (link)
XD Awesome, and thank you! And do you mean - forgive me, maybe I'm low on sleep - that the application is okay?

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2011-04-12 06:42 pm UTC (link)
My other mod is currently asleep, so I cannot okay an app without her looking over it first. However, I did leave her a note about the app (and the other app. I got two, actually.)

Once we've both come to a decision about it, we'll let you know. :) It shouldn't take too long to find out, however.

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2011-04-12 06:45 pm UTC (link)
Okay, thanks! And man, I have nothing but admiration for people who can organize and keep these things running, so no antsiness from this quarter, I promise.

Yeah, is that all right? I just really liked the idea of that one Talent when I was scrolling down the list, and the limit was four so I thought two would be okay.

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