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Snow White ([info]fairestofall) wrote in [info]blackforestmod,
[Character:] Snow White's evil mother-in-law
[Origin Story:] Sort of Snow White and Seven Dwarves, but also Snow White and Rose Red.
[Approximate Age:] Old enough to have a 28-29 year old son.
[Why They Are Wanted:] Snow White has revenge in mind. Plus it would be ridiculous amounts of fun to play out their rivalry.
[Additional Info/Suggestions:] I skewed the tales a bit. Instead of being her wicked step-mother, the evil queen is Snow White's mother-in-law. The evil queen's son was a prince, turned bear by an enchantment and freed by Snow. The evil queen didn't much like her son marrying a common woods girl, even if she did save her son.

She's still crazed about her magic mirror and when she asked it who was the fairest of all she started to plot the death of her daughter-in-law. She's made several attempts of varying success.

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