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Black Forest Mod ([info]blackforestmod) wrote,
@ 2010-12-18 00:45:00

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Entry tags:application


Before filling out the application, please read the Character Creation guide. It is important that you decide if you are making your own character or using one from one of the the many fairy tales. Also, please keep in mind that a character's One Supreme Talent must be unique to each character, though talents can be very similar. It would greatly help for you to describe the talent/power in some detail.

When you're ready, post your application below. Thank you!

OOC:*(On the Second or more Applications, only the name is needed)
[AIM, YIM, MSN, etc.:]

The Basics
[Journal username:]
[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:]
[Story the character is from (if a fairy tale character):] You may provide a link to the story or resources you're taking from, please write out any differences/changes you'd like to make from the original story here.
[Their One Supreme Talent:]
[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:]
[Where do they live:]

[Description:] (Please include a brief description of any differences your character has from the chosen PB.)
[Attire:] (Please include a brief description of the typical attire for your character.)

[Weaknesses:] (Strengths and weaknesses should balance each other as much as possible)

[Detailed Personality:] (Please provide at least two solid paragraphs that detail your character's personality.)

(Give us a biography, any little things not written about in their fairy tale (if they're a fairy tale character), a brief history of your character.)

RP Samples* (on the second or more apps, these samples are not needed)
[RP Sample:] (3rd person. It would be best if you wrote something that could be used as your first post.)

[How Did you find us?]
++Entry Post: All players are expected to make an entry post or RP thread with another character (in the main community, not character journals) within one week of getting accepted to [info]theblackforest as part of the application process.

++Character Profiles: Once you've been accepted, be sure to update your user profiles. There is a generic profile layout that that is set up for your use. Just fill in the requested information. You must put up a profile and post an introduction for yourself and character in [info]blackforestooc in order to complete the application process.

++Character Limits: Generally, players are limited to Four characters in the game. After the player has been established as a strong member of this community, providing plot movements, and exhibiting a good, well-rounded RP style, as well as helping new members adjust to the game’s atmosphere, they may make a formal request to the moderators for two additional characters. This leaves players with a total number of Six characters in [info]theblackforest.

[info]blackforestmod | [info]theblackforest | [info]blackforestooc


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2011-04-16 03:12 pm UTC (link)
Hey, Cee.

First off, let us thank you for your interest in [info]theblackforest, and say that we are really excited to see you come by. However, before we can accept your application, we'd like to see a few revisions done.

First- we've both agreed that we want to see a bit more. Particularly for the descriptions and attire. I understand the desire to be concise, however, we do not want you to rely completely on the PB to describe her. The more details you write, the more you display your grasp of the character.

Second- In regards to the Supreme talent, I am a little confused, to be honest. I have no issue with her being able to turn into a dragon, but then you say she can't become the while retaining the fire breathing, strength and speed. Those should, in that chase, be treated as individual talents and I have to ask that you keep one while discarding the others. But I became even more confused by the end of the personality when you mentioned Magic. Can she use magic? If she can, then she cannot have a supreme talent. Both myself and my co-mod were confused on this matter.

Once you've done this, just tag us back with a link to the revisions. Feel free to post the application in the character's journal for easy.

Thank you!

- Black Forest Mods

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