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Black Forest Mod ([info]blackforestmod) wrote,
Hey, Cee.

First off, let us thank you for your interest in [info]theblackforest, and say that we are really excited to see you come by. However, before we can accept your application, we'd like to see a few revisions done.

First- we've both agreed that we want to see a bit more. Particularly for the descriptions and attire. I understand the desire to be concise, however, we do not want you to rely completely on the PB to describe her. The more details you write, the more you display your grasp of the character.

Second- In regards to the Supreme talent, I am a little confused, to be honest. I have no issue with her being able to turn into a dragon, but then you say she can't become the while retaining the fire breathing, strength and speed. Those should, in that chase, be treated as individual talents and I have to ask that you keep one while discarding the others. But I became even more confused by the end of the personality when you mentioned Magic. Can she use magic? If she can, then she cannot have a supreme talent. Both myself and my co-mod were confused on this matter.

Once you've done this, just tag us back with a link to the revisions. Feel free to post the application in the character's journal for easy.

Thank you!

- Black Forest Mods

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