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Honesty ([info]makealiar) wrote in [info]blackforestmod,
[Name:] Cee
[Age:] 19
[Timezone:] PDT
[Email:] ahnkitomi@gmail.com
[AIM, YIM, MSN, etc.:] N/A

The Basics
[Name:] Honesty Willem
[Journal username:] [info]makealiar
[Age:] 21
[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:] No.
[Story the character is from (if a fairy tale character):] N/A
[Their One Supreme Talent:] (from the suggested list) Sneezes when someone lies around him/her
[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:] Undecided. Leaning toward bad.
[Where do they live:] She tentatively stopped in the Castle for now.

[PB:] Elizabeth Harnois
[Description:] She has one missing finger - the ring finger on her left hand.
[Attire:] She tends to wear casual clothing, but her preferences aren't set in stone and she can be pretty vain.

[Strengths:] She's fairly clever, sly and underhanded and humorous. If she does open up to you, she's deathly loyal, though if you turn out to be not so trustworthy she can will turn on you like a spitting snake in rage and betrayal. (In other words, she has a chip on her shoulder about it the size of a cow.)
[Weaknesses:] Sometimes she refuses to tell the truth just for the sake of not telling the truth. She's immature. She's spiteful. She's guarded and disrespectful and reluctant to like anybody, constantly suspicious.
[Quirks:] She dislikes having to just straight up tell the truth! She's contrary as hell (well, clearly) and grumpy and cynical; her personality would probably be better suited to some grizzled old man's body. She hates to be beholden.
[Secrets:] SHE JUST WANTS CUDDLES. *cough* Her isolation isn't by preference but by perceived necessity, and she is lonely. She'll just never admit it. Also, she misses her dog (whom she just calls 'Dog' because someone named Honesty does not have imaginative role models to work from) terribly.

[Detailed Personality:] Honesty is the kind of person whom, unable to tell a lie and always knowing when someone else lied, immediately set about learning every way to not tell the truth but lying. She can dissemble. She can answer questions with questions. She can make leading statements and dance around the topic and imply and hint to her heart's content, as long as she isn't flat out lying. And that's what she does.

She's grumpy, mistrustful, suspicious, cynical and isolated by what she sees as necessity, being leery of trusting anybody. Your best way in to her is humour and complete lack of personal intrusion; she's lonely and she wants to like people, but pushing or trying for friendship creates AUTOMATIC RECOIL EFFECT. She has a warm sense of humour, though, and she does like to laugh, though sometimes the humour can be rude and a little unkind.

If she likes you, or if you do something to dispose yourself kindly to her, or just if she doesn't like the look of the other guy, she will step in for you and slug it out to last. She is deathly loyal once you're her friend, and she can be argumentative and doesn't hesitate to pick a fight with somebody shifty looking.

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