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Cassa ([info]malevolence) wrote in [info]blackforestmod,
RP Samples*
[RP Sample:] The last thing that she remembered was dying.

A pleasant thought. It was one she'd never imagined having to entertain before; the land was hers just as the sky was hers, and the ground quaked beneath her foot when she willed it so, and Kings and Queens cowered before her shadow. She was a fairy; she was a force of nature. There was no amount of screaming and pleading that could save any she chose to give her attention to.

But however you spun it, though she had not gone gentle into that good night, she had gone. She had died.

And when she first woke on the desolate road, at the verge of a crossroads, her first thought was of volcanic rage.

She twitched her shape, reaching for lethal scales and claws, the throat that could emit the roar she yearned to let loose, that could wreak the havoc that would soothe her raging temper. That puny, diminutive, insignificant creature! How dare he! How dare -

She couldn't.

She couldn't change.

And for the first time, a chill sweeping over her, she attended properly to her surroundings.

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