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Cassa ([info]malevolence) wrote in [info]blackforestmod,
2/3, never mind!
Personality Arrogant, mean, proud and capricious.
[Strengths:] Reading people. Knowing the right way to torment them. Cleverness, a talent for IRL trolling, a powerful malice that tends to make people leery of her and scare of foes. She's generally not petty, though what sense of honour she has is warped to the point of incomprehensibility from an outsider point of view.
[Weaknesses:] She's selfish, spiteful, thoughtless, malevolent, unkind...
[Quirks:] She genuinely enjoys the company of the people she harasses; it's just that getting along with them bores her and she enjoys tormenting them. Someone who was an enemy but an equal who could torment her back would be an endless delight, though she would of course try to kill them.
[Secrets:] She misses flying very badly.

[Detailed Personality:] Cassa is very strong, and very aware of it. She staked her territory and defended it from all comers; her curse on Sleeping Beauty was mostly for the pleasure of spite, a teeny bit retaliation for the insult of not only not inviting her but inviting others onto her territory. She's evil; she enjoys others pain and suffering, and gloats over causing it simply because it delights her.

On her own, she's very self-sufficiently, surprisingly scholarly minded and has a love affair with freedom and the open sky. She enjoys spellwork on a very basic level, constantly collecting grimoires and the like to pore over them into the night (her need for sleep being very limited) in order to absorb new magic. She enjoys the company of natural dragons, imps and other assorted monstrous creatures, but humans and their sentimentality she disdains, despite her own soft spots for bygone beastly companions.

She does not take well to being trapped or confined, but is less displeased with this displacement than she might be otherwise, since the last thing she remembered was dying. That doesn't stop her from trying to make it harder for everyone around her. It wouldn't even be so bad if she could fly, but evidently her dragon shape was deemed (and rightly so) a little too hazardous for other residents and she can no longer change form.

SHE IS A TOTAL SNOB. Magic, architecture, conversation, murder, fashion, alcohol, you name it. Cassa Does It Better or at least knows of some other source that Does It Better, and she's often kind of obvious about it. Insolence offends her, and when she's sometimes casually violent and always verbally cutting.

Cassa was born from a thunderstorm, and she spent her first century in a mad and mindless whirl of delight and destruction, before eventually, as fairies do, settling down to a favoured form and allowing it to shape and influence her conscious. It was originally only a black dragon, and she spent the next hundred years exploring the skies and gratuitously eating people, but eventually she became fascinated with the tiny complexities she began to pay attention to in their world and learned to take on an approximate human shape, which she settled in for the next hundred years.

She's cursed and tormented a hundred princes and princesses before Phillip and his lady and she intends to curse and torment a hundred after. Though she won't admit it to anyone on any pain, being slain was unpleasant as fuck and she doesn't intend to go through it again. She's learned she's not infallible.

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