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Cassa ([info]malevolence) wrote in [info]blackforestmod,
1/2 because I exceeded the character limit? :(
[Name:] Cee
[Age:] 19
[Timezone:] PDT
[Email:] ahnkitomi@gmail.com
[AIM, YIM, MSN, etc.:] N/A

The Basics
[Name:] Cassa
[Journal username:]
[Age:] Immortal. She doesn't count years much.
[Are they a Fairy Tale Character:] Yes
[Story the character is from (if a fairy tale character):] Sleeping Beauty, the Wicked Fairy. She's from Phillip's storyline, so his profile should be explanatory.
[Their One Supreme Talent:] Changing into a dragon. She can't do that in the village, though, so her talents are merely the superior speed and strength that leak over from that form, and a limited ability to breathe fire.
[Are they good, or are they bad, or just undecided:] Mad, bad and dangerous to know.
[Where do they live:] She settles in the battlements of the Piper's Castle, being a smug creeper at everybody and trying to figure out a way home.

[PB:] Bridget Regan
[Description:] Tall and statuesque, with clear pale skin, striking blue eyes and a tumble of long dark hair.
[Attire:] She wears long gowns, either dark or white, and she has a flair for drama.

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