
IC 17 Glad I still got my sexy figure

  • Dec. 8th, 2010 at 6:02 PM
silly thoughts
From what I've heard, seems I missed a lot of fun times while away. WHY CANT YOU GUYS SAVE THE FUN STUFF FOR KIBA FREE TIME!?

Oh well. My mom put her foot, love and whatever else she could find in turkey day dinner!! I mean I ate so much! Then beat the shit out of my sis on dance revolution and touch football though she ended up tackling me! Then we all went to a REAL FOOTBALL GAME! High School Turkey games are the best! Aha I wasn't a big fan back then but I love watching them midgets kicking ass and getting the shit knocked out of them.

Home now.. its a good thing I went to see mom. She has the best advice when it comes to EVERYTHING!


What's your plans this Christmas? My sis wants to meet you.. and mom ready to adopt you


I finally got enough for a real apartment, thanks to mom and way too many side jobs. Anyone with a rec on a 2 bedroom pets allowed? Nice to be home, not!!