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(Backdated) Dinner Date minus talking about feelings (she hopes at least) [03 Aug 2013|04:42am]
He'd invited her over for dinner with the whole 'not talking' thing still valid. She could not express how much of a relief that was for her. God she hated talking or analyzing her feelings.
This time she showed up at his door with a case of beer. Hopefully the good kind, judging from the price. But then again, she couldn't actually tell, and had to rely on judging from labels and prices and going for something not American. Maybe she'd stumbled on something half decent...she hoped.
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AU Meme (3,1): Genderswap [13 Apr 2013|01:21am]
Lawrence dropped by the cafeteria to grab a bottle of Coke, his lab fridge was out and he needed something other than coffee at the moment. It'd been a long day so far, and he had the usual rad chamber monitoring with a certain green-haired agent left not too long from now. At least that was usually something to look forward to. But for now, a little time to kill beforehand in a rare appearance at the cafeteria.
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Meme [13 Oct 2012|08:54pm]
1. What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?
Lena Jessen. And no, my name is short enough, if you're too lazy to say it then you have no business with me.
2. How old are you? When is your birthday? 
Really? Clearly you've never heard that asking a woman her age and weight are big nos. Actually I bet later in this, already suspicious, questionaire you /will/ ask my weight. 
3. Where were you born? Where do you live now? Are you patriotic? 
Born in Chicago, but I've lived in Boston, Pittsburgh and Toronto too. So not all that patriotic but I will cheer during the olympics. Of course I will also cheer for other countries based on other arbitrary things.
4. Who are/were your parents? (Names, occupations, personalities, etc.) 
Seb and Kayla, engineer and software developer respectively.
5. Do you have any siblings? What are/were they like? 
6. What is your occupation? 
SHIELD scientist, the metahuman biology specialist.
7. How tall are you? How much do you weigh? 
What did I say? See? Right there, the weight question. Honestly... 
8. What color is your hair? What color are your eyes? 
Brown, blue.
9. What is your race?
White but I always found this question silly. Is this for stats purposes? I don't see why you'd care.
10. To which social class do you belong?
Actually, now it's more about the 'socio-economic class'. Money matters more than titles nowadays. Get with the times.
11. Do you consider yourself to be attractive? Do others? 
No, and I doubt it. I'm more focused on my work.
12. What is your style of dress? 
Casual and add the lab coat on top. It's for lab safety /and/ adds instant credibility.
13. Do you have any scars? Tattoos? Birthmarks? Other unique physical features?
Mostly minor scars that most people have. Though probably a few more than most on my fingers given how I mostly use exacto knives for paper cutting and watch TV while I cut stuff for cooking...
14. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses?
Here's my health file while you're at it. Sheesh, privacy means nothing to you people.
15. Are you right- or left-handed?
Left. But given the way most things are designed and taught, I can do quite a bit with my right.
16. What does your voice sound like? 
/Not/ how it sounds in my head.
17. What kind of vocabulary do you use? 
Depends who I'm talking to.
18. List three quirks or other defining characteristics. 
I'm too sarcastic at times, a mean Scum (card game) player, and a giant nerd obviously.
19. How often do you bathe? Do you wear perfumes? 
Often enough, and rarely. I /have/ perfume but I can't bring myself to use it much. The bottles are too pretty.
20. What kind of facial expression do you commonly wear (dour glare, wry smile, etc)? 
Raised eyebrow or wry smile usually.
21. Do you use body language? How? 
A bit.
22. Do you have a commonly used saying? 
*just raises an eyebrow* Really?
23. What is your earliest memory? 
Eating the blueberries in muffin mix. They were far better before they were cooked.
24. How much schooling have you had? Did you enjoy it? 
A lot. And yes, I was quite good at it.
25. Where did you learn most of your knowledge and skill? 
Books, TV, movies, school, wherever. But you've got to know how to apply knowledge too.
26. How would you describe your childhood in general? 
Pretty fun actually.
27. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
According to toddler me? Smart.
28. When and with whom was your first kiss? 
As harmless as this question is, it's none of your business and on top of that, given the weight question I suspect this will get too personal fast...
29. Are you a virgin? If not, when and with whom did you lose your virginity? 
Aaaaand I was right again. That certainly escalated quickly. 
30. Do you have a notorious or celebrated ancestor? Does that affect you? 
Thankfully nobody notorious or it'd come up on the background check.
31. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? 
Getting hired for SHIELD
32. What do you consider your greatest achievement? 
Fury coming to my lab to offer me a job at SHIELD. Doesn't happen everyday.
33. What is your greatest regret? 
None that are that big really.
34. What is the most embarrassing or shameful thing ever to happen to you? 
...The jail thing after the amusement park is up there
35. Do you have any secrets? If so, what are they?- 
I work for SHIELD. I'll let it sink in now how stupid that question was.
36. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? 
I live in my lab, I hardly do much. And I am not privy to what my research goes into.
37. When was the time you were the most frightened? 
Right before showing SHIELD board people my research that'd convince them Fury was right in offering me a job.
38. Have you ever traveled outside of your country? If so, to where?
Many places, not going to list them all.
39. What is your alignment?
It's not clear what this question is asking. Straight?
40. Are you basically optimistic or pessimistic? 
41. Do you believe in a god? If so, which one and why? 
Of course not.
42. Do you believe in an afterlife? 
*sigh* So it's that sort
43. What is your greatest fear? 
That sheer stupidity of some people will win out
44. What makes you angry? Sad? Happy? Why? 
Stupidity, things not going right, and friends.
45. Do you think people are basically good or basically evil?
Neither, but we are selfish.
46. What are your views on politics? Religion? Sex? 
I have my views but frankly as long as it doesn't affect me I don't care. 
47. What are your views on gambling, lying, theft, and killing? 
Depends what kind of gambling you mean. Harmless small ones between friends I'm very okay with but the casino and card variety is stupid in my opinion. Lying has its place and I don't do the last two.
48. How far will you go to defend your beliefs? 
I'd like to think they have /evidence/ behind them. But you defend your position but it's important to always evaluate the evidence and keep your mind open. Except when it hits a certain level of stupidity. Then just ignore them.
49. How much do you value money? 
It's important. Underfunding is no laughing matter.
50. In your opinion, what is the most evil thing any human being could do? 
Use claims of 'science' to mislead people when it really is bullshit.
51. Do you believe in self-sacrifice for the greater good? 
I don't see why I'd be important enough that sacrificing me would do much for the greater good so this question is ridiculous.
52. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? 
It's a cute idea.
53. Are you superstitious? 
54. How much do you respect the beliefs and opinions of others? 
There's something a teacher once said regarding opinion that I liked. "You can believe you are a carrot. You can /really/ really believe you are right about it. Doesn't mean you are and that your opinion matters."
55. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?
I have filters. They tend to go down around people I know and when I'm being snarky.
56. Do you have any biases or prejudices? 
*rolls eyes* Every. Single. Person. Has. Them.
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Fluff meme- Cheering up [14 Aug 2012|12:44am]
Lena sat at her desk, rubbing her face to try and keep calm and not lose it. One of her side projects had just fallen through because some lab tech had prepared the injections they'd been using with the solution with the wrong concentration. Months of work and research down the drain because of some incompetent...Months! On top of that now she had to tell Fury that they'd have to restart for stupid technical reasons. 

She looks over at the coffee machine and remembers it broke down today (she went through so many), oh fuck it all, couldn't things go right for once? Another headdesk and she just gives up and stays there with her head against her desk, letting the frustration wash away and replace itself with the feeling of helplessness. She'd lost all that time for someone's amateur mistake. Why hadn't she triple checked? Well because they were usually reliable. This was what happened when new people came in.

Worst day in a while.
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Fluff meme: Cooking is a science! [13 Aug 2012|11:04pm]
Cooking she could do, other people putting in all that effort and cooking for her? She couldn't do. Which was exactly why when Aleks proposed this dinner thing she'd already planned on coming early to help the moment she agreed. 

Well, okay, she'd avoid having to cut any onions but she was still handy in the kitchen. Besides, regardless of what people said, cooking was a science. And she was a scientist.

"Hi. Now I know the fact I brought wine may be odd, considering I don't drink it, but I do own some. Fine, I use it only for cooking, but still. Classic guest-gift and it works with the whole cooking dinner thing you've got going," she rambles once he opens the door. Lena would admit to some slight nervousness. Not willingly, but still it had to count for something.
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Regular Checkups [04 Jun 2012|12:11am]
 Walking into the radiation chamber room, Lena gives a brief wave to the lab techs setting up. She'll shoo them away once it all gets started, but she'll let them do the more technical parts of the set up. The dials and such that come after she can handle.

She smiles over at Agent Childress and puts down some files. "Hey Aleks, how's it been?"
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App [31 May 2012|11:20pm]
 NextGen Application (Canon and OC)
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Sands
Email: on file
AIM (if you have one): on file
Character Name: Lena Jessen
Character LJ (if applicable): bio_nerd
Physical description (face, build, weight): 5'7, brown hair, blue eyes, fit
Age: 28
Birthday: May 25
PB: (If using one.): Claire Forlani
Abilities: Normal human, but upon entering SHIELD she agreed (and somewhat insisted) on basic combat and shooting training. She’s skilled enough to deal with most common muggers and thugs but not any more than that. An excellent shot but it doesn’t mean she’ll ever do real field work. She mostly views it as a necessary defense if one works in SHIELD. Other than that she has normal human abilities, excluding her odd ability to never get more than 7 hours of sleep (although 7 is very rare). Of course it’s not an ability so much as her feeling that sleep wastes time.
Weaknesses and flaws: Other than her odd circadian rhythms (she’s more likely to be available for anything at 2am than anytime between 7 and 10am, which are usually designated sleeping hours) and caffeine addiction, she has the usual weaknesses of most human females. She does have a somewhat science for science’s sake attitude and will continue studying something still knowing the consequences, but it doesn’t mean she will publish or reveal the results necessarily because it’s the personal satisfaction of gaining said knowledge that interests her. In fact, most of her work isn’t published (with the exception of her pre-SHIELD days) due to SHIELD regulations.

Character location/Home: Mobile
Alignment (villain, hero etc): works for SHIELD so technically hero/anti-hero but wouldn’t consider herself either. Just someone doing science for a living. 
Relatives (living/dead?): Seb Jessen (father/alive), Kayla Jessen (mother/alive)
A relatively normal upbringing, Lena grew up as an only child with parents who loved to travel. They lived in Chicago, Boston, Pittsburgh and even for a time in Toronto. With one engineer and one software developer as parents, everyone knew she’d end up in the sciences, just not the biological branch which she grew to love early on. Taking a major in biology she decided to pursue her studies further and earned a masters then PhD studying molecular biology then genetics. More specifically, she found a fascination in the molecular mechanisms behind “super powers”. Her work in metahuman power basis and her side projects about the mutant X gene made SHIELD take notice, and they hired her as soon as possible to get her research off the market and out of the journals and instead into only their hands. Of course, hiring her also meant that they didn’t need to rely on getting the results of this sort of research from scientists who were also heroes and wouldn’t be so unbiased or willing to hand it over.  She didn’t mind, they provided her a state of the art lab and, more importantly, plenty of samples and subjects for her research on powers, nowhere else would she have that kind of access.  Through this new access to samples, she developed very intensive knowledge on how exactly many of these villains, and superheroes, powers worked. Information which SHIELD has used on multiple occasions to take down supervillains, a fact they like to not be publically known.
Growing up, education was the priority and she was never a social butterfly or a partier, although nobody would say she was socially awkward either, and prefers small gatherings with friends that, very importantly because she has no love for this, do not require ‘dressing up’. In fact, she doesn’t like shopping, getting her hair done, or any other stereotypically feminine activities that most people assumed she should. Given some science to deal with, whether her own research or just for some fun reading, she’s happy. Or a good mystery book. She has an odd fondness for those.
How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: As an employee of SHIELD, working with them as their scientist when it comes to dealing with powered people.
What are you planning to do with this character? Will help the hero community as long as it is in SHIELD’s best interests, and perhaps discuss her research with the superhero scientists interested in similar things. Perhaps about her work on mutant genetics too.
What do you want to see happen with this character?: Get along with SHIELD colleagues, maybe learn to leave the lab more and see in a more big picture way what affect her research has.
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Test scene [31 May 2012|11:18pm]
The door to the lab had a sign stuck to it: If it's what normal people consider morning, come back later.
And a second one right below it: With caffiene.

Amid stacks of paper strewn about and the various empty bottles and cans of coke Lena sits, reading various documents displayed on the multiple monitors set up in one corner of the lab. She doesn't turn when she hears the door open, instead keeps leaning in her chair and shoots a not-so-professional greeting.

"Business or did you come here for a coffee break? Because it's been a bad day."
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