biggestflirt - July 22 2011, noon

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February 22nd, 2012

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11:43 pm - July 22 2011, noon

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[User Picture]
Date:March 2nd, 2012 01:40 am (UTC)
You pick on others to make yourself feel better.

Girls talk. From what I hear, you aren't that great.
[User Picture]
Date:March 2nd, 2012 01:47 am (UTC)
I'm not picking on him. I'm trying to show everyone how much of a loser idiot the moron is. He doesn't need to be trying to get with my best friend's girl. She belongs to him. Period.

You need to open your ears little girl. There's a line of girls that'll tell you how good I am and that I can go for hours.
[User Picture]
Date:March 2nd, 2012 01:52 am (UTC)
Hours? With your education level, I'm sure you think hours only last sixty seconds, but... sorry, big boy. That's not how it works.

From what I hear, a girl could get more pleasure from a hotdog.
[User Picture]
Date:March 2nd, 2012 02:02 am (UTC)
At least it's better than Loser Josh's tampon hanging between his legs.

I haven't had any complaints.
[User Picture]
Date:March 2nd, 2012 02:05 am (UTC)
Yeah. I wouldn't want to hang around and chat after that, either. Poor girls. I wish I was as lucky as you. I have to hear them pissing and moaning in the locker room about how let down they were.
[User Picture]
Date:March 2nd, 2012 02:11 am (UTC)
You think your stories can hurt my feelings? Go fuck your quarterback. Oh wait, you won't uncross your legs either. Sucks to be Ed.
[User Picture]
Date:March 2nd, 2012 02:23 am (UTC)
I'm so glad you brought him up. I'm sure he'll love hearing that you're concerned with our sex life.
[User Picture]
Date:March 2nd, 2012 02:42 am (UTC)
Nah. I'm the luckiest guy in the school. I'd say more, but our sex life is really none of your business.

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