February 22nd, 2012
| 11:43 pm - July 22 2011, noon In honor of someone's birthday, I thought I'd bring it back with a vengeance today.
LOSER Josh AKA Joshua Roberts
HI! My name is LOSER Josh and I'm the biggest fuck faced fucker there ever was.
I thought that I could get a girl, but I'm such a tiny HOBBIT prude I wouldn't know what to do with my pecker if it could walk and talk and give me directions.
It's so fucking small that I have to pee in order to figure out which hair is my penis.
Stupid assed mother fucker, probably cries while he watches fucking girl movies and has mommy issues, too. Shouldn't he be a senior this year? Add idiot to his list of faults.
Dear Loser Josh, I should kick your tool ass just for existing. Why don't you take those lips and that gravity defying hair and go suck a cock like you know you were made to do?
Get a life and DIAF, Chris
You are a rude and inconsiderate child. I would have said man, but you are not. I would have said boy, but that gives boys a bad name. I hope that some day you grow up and realize that the things you say and the actions you take have repercussions. I hope for your sake that they are not so horrible that you can't live with yourself.
Child huh? So I give all human's a bad name by your little analogy there. The actions I have do have repercussions. Hopefully these idiots will back off girls I like that are out of their league and grow a pair. He needs to learn his place. He's not going to go out with my best friend's girl and not face consequences.
Baby this is the second time you've replied on my posts about the losers at our school. I think you're just looking for some excuse to talk to me. What's up? Wanna hang out on Friday?
How about you take this down and never do another post like this. Otherwise I will bring it to the attention of the principal. Also, I will bring it to the attention of an attorney. It's defamation of character, cyber-bullying (which is illegal), and just plain cruel.
I wouldn't hang out or go out with you if you were the last male on the face of the earth.
You're kind of an asshole. Like this would be totally funny if you wouldn't have said all that bullshit about how my brother has mommy issues. You don't have a clue what you're talking about. Jerk.
Whatever Leslie. You know this was funny. You've just got your knickers in a twist about the whole Robbie thing. Your brother is a tool. You hate him most of the time. Don't act like you don't talk shit about him behind his back to all of us.
Fuck you, Chris. Just fuck you.
HILARIOUS! His hair's kinkier than mine!
I KNOW! It's like a jew fro.
Chris if you don't cut this shit out you'll be riding the bench next year and no girl will want to be with you once they find out the tampon you're toting around.
Tampon my ass. Whatever Andre. Take a joke.
It's not funny man. You went too far. That's enough. Got it?
Dirty words like that shouldn't come out of a mouth that pretty.
And I am not. He's a fag. Truth.
I dunno. I would fuck him. Look at that cut around his hips. It's begging to be licked.
That's a little bit insulting, Libby. I thought you had higher standards than that. You go lick his hip, then come back here and fuck me when you realize how much a virgin tool he is.
Sorry, baby. When guys like you are too busy making lame posts like this, who else am I supposed to lick?
Fucking. Hilarious.
That's so mean! You shouldn't do this!
It's not mean if it's true. Loser Josh is a Loser!
And don't tell me what I should and shouldn't do.
You pick on others to make yourself feel better.
Girls talk. From what I hear, you aren't that great.
You never fail to make me laugh.
Finally someone who has a brain. Love you!
Love ya, too, sexy. Stay funny. |