[15 Apr 2012|06:14pm] |
OOC Information Player name: Robyn Player age: 23 Time zone: GMT
Character Information Basics: Full name: Abram Starikov Nick names: A.B Hometown: Moscow, Russia Age and birthday: 19, Janurary 2nd House and year: Univeristy First Year Boggart: Dad's disapproving look Riddikulus: Patronus and why: A wolf, they survive better in packs.
School Information:
Wand: Classes: Political Science Major subject and focus: Magical Law with Magical Policy Extracirriculars: He used to be part of Yearbook and he played Quodpot but he's given them up recently. Animagus form, if applicable A husky dog
Family and Relationships Parents: Yevgeni and Ksenyia Starikov Siblings: Sasha and Katya Extended Family: Cousins! Familiar: A gerbil called Ned. Sexuality: Heterosexual
Appearance: PB: Matthew McNulty Physical Description: Like practically his whole family, Abram is very tall at 6'4, though it kind of annoys him that Sasha has overtaken him. His tallness doesn't bother him and he strides confidently, usually a head and shoulders above the rest. He has always looked old for his age, he usually wears a little stubble and his hair is kept short. He has the same dark features and pale skin as the rest of his family, along with a very crooked smile and dimples. Unlike his brother's rather secret tattoo, Abram is littered with obvious tattoos, including a large one on his neck.
Personality: Likes: Cold weather, being part of a team, his family, winding Sasha up, smooth talking the ladies, winning Quodpot games, chillidogs, teasing his dad Dislikes: His mum, being known only as a jock, cats, being too hot, shaving rash, his stupid Russian accent. Quirks: - He tries really hard to disguise any hint of his Russian accent. - Smiles crookedly, it always looks like a smirk. Secrets: - Flunking his first year of uni, his father can never find out. Amortentia smells like: Cold weather, mint and fir trees. Strengths: Quodpot, making friends, being popular, confidence. Weaknesses: His family, cigarettes, if he starts bleeding it takes forever to stop. Detailed personality: A.B is a confident, easy going person. Whatever situation he finds himself in, he takes it in his stride and usually comes out on top. He is not used to failure or rejection and as the head of his siblings, feels kind of like their adviser, a role he quite enjoys. Of course, he is not immune to immaturity, especially where Sasha in concerned, They can get into petty fights over anything. Abram has a big thing about respect, and respects his father more than anyone. When it comes to interacting with other people, he is always polite, even if he isn't thinking such polite things! He has an arrogant streak, though annoyingly he has the talents to back this up, and can be infuriatingly smug when he wants to be.
Personal History Even though he is the oldest, Abram remembers nothing of life before his siblings came along. He young childhood is filled with memories of Russia, the busy streets of living in the capital, mixed with distinct memories of his mother. She features so prominently perhaps because she has been absent ever since Abram was seven years old. His father's move to America when he was thirteen scrapped any thoughts of a reconciliation with his mother.
Even though the move was big, and Abran had to learn English, he found that he was only known as the weird Russian kid for a little while before he managed to blend in. More than blend in, in fact a talent for Quodpot saw him become one of the more popular kids in school. Losing his Russian accent (it only comes out when he is feeling passionate about something) probably helped.
Abram did well throughout school, always reaching the top in his grades and other achievements. Of course, this makes his fall from grace even more painful. Abram's teenage rebellion is coming a little later than his peers, and now that he is in univeristy, with a little more freedom than he is used to, he has become side-tracked with partying. He is keen to lose his jock image and wants to be known as more than just a quodpot star, but flunking Law probably isn't the best way to go about it.