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!!! but a person ([info]bejeweled) wrote,
@ 2023-06-20 22:50:00

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midweek ffa! what are you doing to relax and wind down? how about adopting a virtual cat if you're feeling stressed out!! how are you feeling? is anything on your mind? carrissa and i have come to the conclusion we don't know anything about the elements or zodiac, so we're trying to learn; what's something you're learning right now or even learned recently! feel free to comment and ask a question, tell a secret, or even just leave your name with a question you want the answer to!
what's your sign and how accurate do you think it is to you? what does it say about you that you might not say about yourself otherwise?
where are we walking - or driving? (and what are we listening to!)
show me (and the ai) your best artwork! (or tell us about the ai's worst guesses)
fun interactive questions! literally!
tell me the most powerful lyrics you've heard or tell me what's on your current song's mood board!
here's a dump of things to rot your brain to: what's on for you! who do you want to see? social media from before there was internet, beware it's kind of porny sometimes. what should you read based on your mood? listen to any era radio! if you use this, you have to share your results! sad that the climbing everest one is dead!

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2023-06-22 08:35 pm UTC (link)
YEP they both happen all the time i just accepted it was my life now

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2023-06-22 08:45 pm UTC (link)
does anyone ever ask if you're australian?

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2023-06-22 08:57 pm UTC (link)
i've gotten it before yes but to be honest a lot of people don't even really care where i'm from they just hear an accent and make me say things in it

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2023-06-22 09:02 pm UTC (link)
I GET THAT AS WELL i didn't think it was particularly interesting and it seems americans think otherwise

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2023-06-22 09:29 pm UTC (link)
have you tried "what accent, what do you mean, i don't have one"? there are a few line cooks that are very obsessed with hearing me try to talk in an american accent too

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2023-06-22 09:36 pm UTC (link)
YEAH they get mad at me for that bit ISN'T IT HARD? americans sound so fucking weird to me still but i've only just gotten here a few months ago i can't quite manage to pull an american accent off

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2023-06-23 01:17 am UTC (link)
i can do it i think i have to talk extra slow when i'm trying to force an american accent so it sounds stupid and they get a kick out of it

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2023-06-23 01:28 am UTC (link)
do you try for the boston one or have you managed the generic american film accent?

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2023-06-23 01:48 am UTC (link)
i try to do the boston one but it sounds fake even when it's a real person doing it so it just sounds extra bad when it's me. the american film one is closer to what comes out

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2023-06-23 01:58 am UTC (link)
HOW'D YOU LEARN? i try to do my mate's accent but he's from new york so it's even harder

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2023-06-23 02:42 am UTC (link)
i don't know i do watch a dumb amount of tv maybe that helped?

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2023-06-23 02:50 am UTC (link)
maybe i just have to watch more americans and be here longer and i can learn how to fake blend in

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