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!!! but a person ([info]bejeweled) wrote,
@ 2023-06-20 22:50:00

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midweek ffa! what are you doing to relax and wind down? how about adopting a virtual cat if you're feeling stressed out!! how are you feeling? is anything on your mind? carrissa and i have come to the conclusion we don't know anything about the elements or zodiac, so we're trying to learn; what's something you're learning right now or even learned recently! feel free to comment and ask a question, tell a secret, or even just leave your name with a question you want the answer to!
what's your sign and how accurate do you think it is to you? what does it say about you that you might not say about yourself otherwise?
where are we walking - or driving? (and what are we listening to!)
show me (and the ai) your best artwork! (or tell us about the ai's worst guesses)
fun interactive questions! literally!
tell me the most powerful lyrics you've heard or tell me what's on your current song's mood board!
here's a dump of things to rot your brain to: what's on for you! who do you want to see? social media from before there was internet, beware it's kind of porny sometimes. what should you read based on your mood? listen to any era radio! if you use this, you have to share your results! sad that the climbing everest one is dead!

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2023-06-22 04:46 am UTC (link)
what about a yacht? gambling boat? some shit is so big you can't even feel it moving. YEAH what are you gonna do about it?

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2023-06-22 05:00 am UTC (link)
MAYBE only if you go you're bigger than a door i could use you to get to land if it's sinking. come get in your comfy ass bed prob

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2023-06-22 05:42 am UTC (link)
LMFAO just gonna use me like a pool float? i'm about it. GOOD your spot's all ready, satin pillowcase and all

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2023-06-22 06:29 am UTC (link)
LMAO YEAH i'll just climb on your back and be the look out so i don't be thinking about how much of the ocean is unexplored. oh ok on your KING SHIT i see i think i'm interested too

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2023-06-22 06:31 am UTC (link)
so in this scenario i'm more orca i do the swimming you do the scouting, i think we should practice. you should come in you gotta put the alarm app on your phone what if a crystal mommy shows up

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2023-06-22 07:05 am UTC (link)
practice where, in a pool? you can be the orca i'm not gonna tell you not to eat me though you do you orca. i'm getting it because it'll be BAD FOR THEM that's what i need some spells or something to make them stay away

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2023-06-22 07:12 am UTC (link)
YEAH, i don't think we should just jump straight in the ocean after all this shit but i wouldn't even have listened if you told me to. what if we look up rocks they don't like and throw them outside?

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2023-06-22 07:56 am UTC (link)
YEAH OK pool practice is fine. WHAT ROCKS DON'T THEY LIKE if they're in your yard they'll probably want to get them like some limited edition collectors item

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2023-06-22 07:57 am UTC (link)
why tf are there only crystals for PROTECTION against negative energy? where are the crystal mommy deterrent rocks???

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2023-06-22 08:10 am UTC (link)
i have a lot of negative energy about them i wish they would stop blocking it with their rocks so they knew exactly how much i hate them

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2023-06-22 08:13 am UTC (link)
we gotta find our own rocks to get in the middle of the energy of their rocks or i guess i gotta have a moat dug out

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2023-06-22 03:43 pm UTC (link)
A FUCKING MOAT AZ LMFAO nobody on the internet would be able to handle that shit you'd be canceled for the millionth time

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2023-06-22 04:39 pm UTC (link)
LMFAO what's one more fuck it, i'll throw in a mini submarine

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2023-06-22 05:21 pm UTC (link)
LMFAO i think you need some moat creatures. orcas might be a little too big tho

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2023-06-22 05:27 pm UTC (link)
i just need something small that crystal mommys don't like TIME TO GOOGLE

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2023-06-22 05:49 pm UTC (link)
i think the answer is me they don't like me LMFAO

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2023-06-22 05:53 pm UTC (link)
what if we just make a whole bunch of cardboard ana's and stick them in the grass

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2023-06-22 06:49 pm UTC (link)
LMFAO you know how some people got a protected by adt sign in their yard? NOT YOU you got ana cutouts i'm DYING

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2023-06-22 06:54 pm UTC (link)
LMFAO gonna laminate them from weather protection and stick signs in their hands "crystal mommys i'm watching" "protected by ak"

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2023-06-22 07:08 pm UTC (link)
LMAO FUCK A MOAT i'll fight them myself i'm not playin with these rock hoarding hos no more

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2023-06-22 07:31 pm UTC (link)
LMFAO ROCK HOARDING HOS that's going on a sign

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2023-06-22 08:38 pm UTC (link)

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2023-06-22 08:46 pm UTC (link)

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2023-06-22 09:04 pm UTC (link)

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2023-06-22 09:05 pm UTC (link)
how we feeling about a barbed wire fence?

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(no subject) - [info]stallion, 2023-06-22 11:02 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-22 11:06 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]stallion, 2023-06-23 01:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-23 01:32 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]stallion, 2023-06-23 01:53 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-23 02:00 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]stallion, 2023-06-23 02:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-23 02:52 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-22 09:05 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]stallion, 2023-06-22 11:01 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-22 11:05 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]stallion, 2023-06-23 01:31 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-23 01:34 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]stallion, 2023-06-23 01:49 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-23 01:58 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]stallion, 2023-06-23 02:46 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]fridge, 2023-06-23 02:50 am UTC

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