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!!! but a person ([info]bejeweled) wrote,
@ 2023-06-20 22:50:00

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midweek ffa! what are you doing to relax and wind down? how about adopting a virtual cat if you're feeling stressed out!! how are you feeling? is anything on your mind? carrissa and i have come to the conclusion we don't know anything about the elements or zodiac, so we're trying to learn; what's something you're learning right now or even learned recently! feel free to comment and ask a question, tell a secret, or even just leave your name with a question you want the answer to!
what's your sign and how accurate do you think it is to you? what does it say about you that you might not say about yourself otherwise?
where are we walking - or driving? (and what are we listening to!)
show me (and the ai) your best artwork! (or tell us about the ai's worst guesses)
fun interactive questions! literally!
tell me the most powerful lyrics you've heard or tell me what's on your current song's mood board!
here's a dump of things to rot your brain to: what's on for you! who do you want to see? social media from before there was internet, beware it's kind of porny sometimes. what should you read based on your mood? listen to any era radio! if you use this, you have to share your results! sad that the climbing everest one is dead!

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2023-06-21 10:51 pm UTC (link)
are there some signs you find that you just don't get along with at all? i feel like i've made a grave mistake not knowing the signs of so many people i've known now

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2023-06-22 01:06 am UTC (link)
you should try and look back and see if there is any connection it might be surprising. if you have birthday/place you can at least see sun and moon you need the time for rising

BUT scorpio men got a bad track record with me by association

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2023-06-22 01:57 am UTC (link)
i don't remember them for except thinking my one other major ex was a pisces and there are certain things i can't say in public regarding life things but i was convinced? my now-bald ex was a sagittarius and it turns out i was wrong and both of my other major exes were both scorpios!! how do they sneak in like that

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2023-06-22 02:20 am UTC (link)
DAMN REALLY? LOOK AT THAT. more reasons for male scorpios to be on the red flag list

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2023-06-22 02:47 am UTC (link)
i shouldn't have said major as much as ex but yes! one was an october scorpio and the other was a november scorpio and they both vanished at random times in our relationships instead of communicating!

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2023-06-22 02:55 am UTC (link)
yo that's for real a common thing i heard about them just. pop in and out and expect everybody else to be fine with it? fucking wild

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2023-06-22 02:56 am UTC (link)
the pisces did that too, but!! is it maybe just water signs in men? do water and air not mix well?

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2023-06-22 03:20 am UTC (link)
well really i'm starting to think water sign men are the common denominator to be honest with you i might need to check tik tok to see if there is truth to it

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2023-06-22 03:22 am UTC (link)
i really need to know what tiktok has to say about male water signs because that can't be a coincidence!!

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