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battle_shield ([info]battle_shield) wrote,
@ 2012-11-16 01:12:00

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Josh and Lena AU
 Josh was the picture-perfect image of the professional agent. He walked with calm, cool assurance. He greeted the right people politely and then entered the laboratory to "discuss a file"

"Dr. Jessen," he greeted, entering the room, a hint of a smile betraying his true emotions. "I have a file for your perusal."

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2012-11-17 06:20 am UTC (link)
"True enough," he concedes. He can forgive the current coat. It was cold out, after all. "I was thinking we could see that new James Bond flick."

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2012-11-17 06:25 am UTC (link)
"Ooh. Attractive, fit men kicking ass in suits? Sounds perfect. Then we can laugh at the secret service bits and I can stare at certain agents," she grins as they make their way of the lab and she locks up.

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2012-11-17 06:27 am UTC (link)
"And I can mock the unrealistic fight scenes and oogle the Bond girls."

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2012-11-17 06:30 am UTC (link)
"Are we betting on chances of there being swimsuit scenes?" She may be walking a bit fast to get out of there, she always felt uncomfortable when dating life and work life mixed. Luckily she was just private and didn't have any silly rules like he used to.

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2012-11-17 06:36 am UTC (link)
"I don't see the point. It's practically a guaranteed change of money." They had discussed their individual preferences since they got together, and Josh respected Lena's feelings. The frisky teasing was never done if he thought there was even a remote chance they'd be caught. He patiently followed along.

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2012-11-17 06:39 am UTC (link)
"Agents in short swim shorts are always fun," she grins at him once they get outside. Yep, he'd pulled off those lifeguard shorts well. Now that they're out she seems to visibly relax more. Office hours over and she didn't need to feel jittery.

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2012-11-17 06:43 am UTC (link)
"Yeah, so long as they don't have to worry about being shot in the ass with gumballs," he said with mock-severity.

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2012-11-17 06:48 am UTC (link)
"Too bad none of the bond girls were smart enough to try it," she grins. "The results were great. Even better once the shorts are off of course."

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2012-11-17 06:53 am UTC (link)
"Nothing a man likes better than being objectified," he teased. "Does this mean I'm a shoe-in for your and Valini's Best Ass contest, or do you have to abstain because you're fraternizing with a participant?"

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2012-11-17 06:56 am UTC (link)
That gets a laugh out of her as they reach the parking lot. "We've set you aside and given you a special award for an ass that goes above and beyond. Honourable retirement don't worry Josh."

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2012-11-17 07:01 am UTC (link)
"Well, that puts my mind at ease. Knowing every time I literally put my ass on the line, that it has a place of honor waiting for it."

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2012-11-17 07:05 am UTC (link)
"It's proven it's worth many times over. Of course to maintain that award quality needs to be checked regularly..." They reach her car and she tosses her bag in the back seat.

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2012-11-17 07:16 am UTC (link)
"That you do, though sometimes I wonder if you're taking too long, Dr. Jessen." He chuckles as he gets in the passenger side.

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2012-11-17 07:19 am UTC (link)
"I like to take the time to be thorough," she chuckles as she starts the car. "When's the movie? Do we have time to grab something to eat?"

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2012-11-17 03:51 pm UTC (link)
"Uh huh," he teases. "Not for a couple hours. We have time for dinner. You in the mood for anything?"

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2012-11-17 09:34 pm UTC (link)
"Haven't eaten yet. Any ideas? My usual clause of nothing spicy or vegan." What? She was usually busy and meals took time out of work.

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2012-11-17 09:58 pm UTC (link)
He shrugs. "There's a Wendy's down the road we could go to."

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2012-11-17 10:43 pm UTC (link)
"Sounds good, then I can wonder how you manage to finish those stacked hamburgers," she smiles. "Drive thru or sit inside?"

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2012-11-18 12:12 am UTC (link)
"High metabolism, baby," he teased. He shrugs. "Whichever's fine with you."

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2012-11-18 02:47 am UTC (link)
"Sadly, I should know better than anyone what you're metabolism is like. And I'm still jealous," she laughs.

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2012-11-18 03:14 am UTC (link)
He raises his right hand.

"I swear to only use my powers for the good of mankind and your personal servitude," he said with a chuckle at the end.

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2012-11-18 03:16 am UTC (link)
"Good idea Agent, but one of those takes priority. I'm sure you know which," she teases.

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2012-11-18 03:18 am UTC (link)
"Don't worry, Lena. I know to put your whims over the greater good," he managed with a straight face.

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2012-11-18 03:19 am UTC (link)
"A man after my own heart," she laughs.

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2012-11-18 03:20 am UTC (link)
He looks at her fondly. "God I love your laugh."

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(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 03:24 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 03:26 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 03:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 03:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 03:38 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 03:43 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 03:57 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 04:11 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 04:13 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 04:16 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 04:25 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 04:42 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 04:55 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 05:01 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 05:14 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 05:19 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 05:33 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 05:39 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 05:42 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 05:52 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 05:54 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 05:59 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 06:19 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 06:35 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-18 06:37 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-18 05:42 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-19 01:19 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 01:49 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 01:56 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 02:26 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 02:42 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 03:07 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 03:16 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 03:47 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 04:27 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 04:56 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-19 06:45 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 05:48 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-20 05:52 am UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 05:41 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-20 06:21 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 06:59 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 07:27 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 07:53 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 08:42 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 09:25 pm UTC
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(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 10:30 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-20 10:44 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 10:57 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-20 11:04 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 11:19 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-20 11:24 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 11:37 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-20 11:49 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-20 11:51 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-20 11:59 pm UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-21 12:06 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-21 12:10 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-21 12:17 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-21 12:21 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-21 12:25 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-21 12:29 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]battle_shield, 2012-11-21 12:33 am UTC
(no subject) - [info]bio_nerd, 2012-11-21 12:37 am UTC

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