Joshua Hoskins App |
[31 May 2012|02:17pm] |
Player (nickname, handle)/ LJ: Paul E Email: AIM (if you have one): Character Name: Joshua Hoskins Character LJ (if applicable): battle-shield Physical description (face, build, weight): Head is clean-shaven. Solid muscular build. 6'4" Birthday: August 5, 1983 PB: (If using one.) Tyrese Gibson Codename: (if using one) Abilities: Joshua has inherited a body at the peak of human performance due to the process performed on his father by Dr. Karl Malus. While his father could bench 15 tons, Joshua's limit is more along the lines of 8 tons. Joshua is a capable hand-to-hand combatant. He has an almost encyclopedic knowledge of costumed and superhuman criminals both past and present. This is quickly being rivaled by a knowledge of those of a more heroic persuasion. He is also skilled bureaucrat and politican, though he has no desire for any kind of political office. He simply wishes to be familiar with those in power. Weaknesses and flaws: Joshua has a love-hate relationship with his father's legacy and this influence's his actions even to this day. For instance, he fought the desire to be a fighter like his father for years until he was forced to undergo training when he joined Shield. So while a capable combatant, he doesn't particularily enjoy it so he isn't as skilled as he could be. He much prefers to talk and manipulate than engage in straightforward combat, though that doesn't mean he won't if the cause is worth it. While he is a practiced pragmatist, he occassionally allows passion to overrule his judgement and talk back to people he probably shouldn't. Character location/Home: Mobile Alignment (villain, hero etc): Hero, with Anti-hero tendencies Team: (if on one) SHIELD Relatives (living/dead?): Lemar Hoskins (alive), Natalie Hoskins (alive) Backstory: Joshua was born the only child of Lemar Hoskins, the former sidekick to the U.S. Agent, Battlestar. His father's influenced on Joshua was mixed, particularly during his schooldays and he learned more about the world. On the one hand, he was proud of his dad for serving his country and serving as the U.S. Agent's Bucky, but on the other hand he resented the race politics in which his father was immersed in. When he learned he changed his name from Bucky to Battlestar because "buck" was an old racial slur,rather than be relieved, he felt his dad had snubbed the Bucky legacy and put an unimportant issue ahead of a positive tradition. As he grew up, he began to resent the way positive initiatives were being used as shortcuts. Affirmative action in his mind was once a good thing, but now it's a tool being used by the lazy and under-qualified. He was determined that nothing would ever be given to him, which made the development of his inherited physique something of a sore point. He refused to carry on any kind of costumed legacy, but at the same time wanted to make a positive difference. He studied political science and criminal justice in college, but found most politicians and legal aides either corrupt or not influential enough to do anything substantial. Upon graduating he signed up for Shield, even though he resented the combat training that went along with it. Not because he couldn't take orders or was lazy, but that in mind his his inherited abilities gave him an unfair advantage. When he passed all the tests, he joined the Shield intelligence branch. In his mind, the most important figures in the world today are its costumed heroes and villains, villains mostly. He developed an impressive knowledge of these figures of both past and present. He has also taken an interest in the mutant issue, as he sees disturbing parallels between it and the old racial issues he grew up. Hoskins is a hard man to read by his colleagues. He believes that superhumans are potentially the greatest threat to the world, but at the same time he doesn't back such potential actions as registration to the government. He has semi-cordial discussions with Henry Gyrich, but doesn't espouse the man's ideologies. When asked what philosophy he follows, he'll always respond "my own." However, there is no questioning his commitment to the preservation of peace for not just the world, but it's peoples. How do you plan to introduce the character to the game?: As an agent of Shield, interacting with a hero team in regards to a superhuman problem. What are you planning to do with this character? For the most part he may be an erstwhile ally of the hero community, but that doesn't mean he won't oppose them if he feels they are acting against the best interests of the world's citizenry. His knowledge of even the most obscure villains or criminal organizations may make him a sought after source for intelligence. What do you want to see happen with this character?: To become an important figure not just within Shield, but the superhuman community.