2009-07-24 14:51 |
Kumori Con Fic Contest Entries!! |
Public |
Evil Layer |
hopeful |
None, for now..... |
contest, es 21, eyeshield 21, fanfics, hiruma, hirumamo, kcon, kumoricon, mamori, story preview |
Alright folks, I'm going to Kumori Con and entering in the following fanfictions for their contest (Rules here):
These are all Eyeshield 21 stories:
A New Understanding: A series of one shots involving Hiruma Youichi interacting with individuals on the team. Stories range from Hiruma checking out boobs with Juumonji to convincing the team to show up at a track meet for Ishimaru.... This one is completed. Rated T. This would be placed for Best Comedy, Best Cannon.
Songs For Daddy: A HiruMamo story and a future fic. Hiruma goes to college, graduates, then is unable to join the NFL, so he starts working for Musashi and playing for that team. Almost all the old Devil Bats wind up working for Musashi (Sena and Monta do not, they join the NFL). Six years prior to the start of the story, Hiruma basicially disappears completely. No one knows where he went or even why he did. Mamori, who is a kindergarten teacher, has a strange new girl in her class named Emiko. It turns out Emiko is Hiruma's mildly autistic daughter from a loveless arranged marriage he hadn't told anyone about. Shit goes down and Hiruma starts picking up the pieces of his past to save his present. Why? Because he's lost custody of Emiko to his crazy mother-in-law..... This one is on going, chapter 26 in the works right now. This is a song fic, but not a typical one. Each chapter is a song title, and the lyrics and mood of the song reflect what is happening in the chapter. Occasionially I'll bring in the song lyrics and use them in the chapter itself. Rated MA. This would be placed for Best Song Fic, Best Novella - Serious, and Best Novel. With tweeking I could also make it Best Authencity.
Letters Home/Letters To The Feild: Two fics that are, in reality, the same story. Told from the perspectives of Mamori and Hiruma respetively. Hiruma is a Sergent in the military fighting in a World War II esque war. Mamori is the girl back home. Each story follows both characters and the circumstances surrounding the writing of their letters, trying to keep in touch..... This one is on going, currently at chapter 5 of 17 (for both stories). This would be rated M for Letters Home, and T for Letters to the Field. This would be placed for Best Drama, Best Romance, and maybe Best Novella - Serious. With tweaking I could make it WWII and yeah. Lots of tweaking. Ass loads of it.
So yeah, that's where I stand. I will be going through these stories, editing, then posting the polished stuff here this weekend. I need my submissions in by the 1st of August. Wish me luck!
I have won at the Kumori Con contest before. So I'm confident I can do it again.
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