The Salvage of my Sanity...
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2011-05-31 21:13
Subject: Last of the artwork....
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:happy happy
Music:This video's soundtrack.
Tags:art, school life

The final piece for my video-editing class. Not much to say other than I did the music myself.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2011-05-30 17:02
Subject: I'm crawling back out from under my rock!
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Tags:art, school life

Just maybe! Anyways the reason I haven't been about chatting and whatnot is my sculpture class. I'm all done with the coursework now and would like to share these images of them with you:

The Result of Good Engineering )

People, braids and ties, cuts )

Yeah, not much else to say.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2011-02-13 15:27
Subject: Picutres of Paintings!
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:accomplished accomplished
Music:"Jupiter" - Holst
Tags:art, home life

This is an image intensive post! However, it is work safe. )

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-09-09 20:03
Subject: Portfolio Pictures
Security: Public
Location:Parents' Pad
Mood:embarrassed embarrassed

Please be honest, do you think this stuff is good enough to get me into art school?

EDIT: I just took all of my artwork down to protect it in case my teachers feel possessed to look it up online or something.

Comments? Questions?

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-09-09 14:42
Subject: *having urges to smack myself*
Security: Public
Tags:art, asme, home life

So I tell people I'm moving back to my place and getting online again then I don't. That happens to be something I hate receiving so I'm very, very very sorry that it happened. Real life's been.... interesting to say the least.

Right now I'm working on my portfolio for entry into art school. I've been taking pictures like a mad woman and eventually I'll post some of the stuff I submitted here (so you can have a taste for what kind of art I do). Actually, I would appreciate feedback when I do get around to doing that.

Also, I got offered a house sitting job and since I kind of don't have personal spending money, I decided to take it. Which means I have limited internet access for the moment.

Then, on top of all of this, my ASME team decided they needed me pulling long shop hours to help build. Which means from about 9 to 5 PST time, I'll probably be in a machine shop busting my ass.


Anyways, that's the outlook. I hope to be on again in the evenings regularly after this next Tuesday.

Until then, I leave you with this art piece teaser. This isn't the portfolio picture I'm submitting of this piece, but it's a good photograph because I'm in it and that gives you a sense of the size of the thing:

Image under cut to save space )

Its a steampunk found-object wasp made from old brassy lamp, chandelier, and other miscellaneous lighting fixture parts. This was made for my ART 291 Sculpture I class. It cost $128.74 dollars to make and me and my partner (she's the one taking the photograph) sold it for $400.

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Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-07-26 15:39
Subject: Thought dump
Security: Public
Tags:art, home life, oregon

Now I think it's time for some funny stories and interesting real life stuff.

My art class peers are bitching for no reason. )

Now, onto a different topic, I had a fun misadventure yesterday while I was visiting my friend.

I have a friend who managed to get kicked out of an art museum. )

And now for something not completely unrelated but very different.

The west coast is completely different culturally than the east, here's more proof. )

And I'm done babbling for now.

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my journal
May 2011