The Salvage of my Sanity... - Post a comment
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-02-27 20:30
Subject: Holy shit! Eyeshield Game pictures!
Security: Public
Tags:eyeshield 21, review, video games

Here's the Eyeshield 21 game pictures:

I scanned in the game box and manual cover. Mostly because I thought they would make a good intro picture. The manual was kind of useful because they show you the Wii hand motions in it. But the words are lost on me so it has limited helpfulness for me. The game loosely follows the Manga plot with all of the Anime subplots. Kind of an interesting combination.

I will not feature here how I hacked my Wii to get it to play the game in the first place, I will on the other hand feature it working. If you want to learn how to get Japanese games to work on your Wii, please message me. I don't own a TV so I had to use my shitty projector. Well its not that shitty, its just shitty in comparison to the one my dad designed (but that is a rant for another time). Anyways we have me and the opening credits. I'm looking serious because I take my video games seriously. We stopped using the flash after this picture because you can't see the game very well. And looking at me is not as important as seeing the game. That is Sena on the screen if you are curious.

Instead of boring you with the menus, here we are in the actual Story Mode. You select your chapter by wandering around in the Deimon Clubhouse and licking on objects. These blue spikes happen to correspond to the pre-Poseidon game nonsense where Sena delivers the spikes to 'spy' but instead hears about the real Eyeshield 21. The clubroom mechanism asks you to move around using the control pad, but unfortunately the changing fixed camera angles make moving around awkward. Well, thankfully the space isn't that big so its not too much of an issue.

Now that we've selected our chapter we get to enjoy a few cut scenes. Unfortunately they do not have any animation here. Instead we get to see the character's expression and read (or in my case guess from context) their words. I decided to feature Monta making an idiot of himself and Suzuna calling him on it. I believe he was asking for spike that make him either taller or that made him run faster and Suzuna is saying something like 'there is no such thing'.

And here's Hiruma looking slightly psychotic because he does that and its Hiruma. You can't not feature an image of him.

During the game there are chapters where you play Mini Games then there are chapters where you play Football Games. In this one you play a Mini Game involving Sena trying to carry four boxes of spikes to the Poseidon school who's name I am too lazy to look up. They do have a tutorial mode and they do show you how you work the Wii mote during these games. If it wasn't for these explanations this game would be 120% more of an adventure for me to play. I decided to feature one of these convenient explanation menus for all to see.

Here is the Mini Game in action! Yes folks, here is actual gameplay! You point the Wii mote right to make Sena stop and balance the boxes in that direction. You point it left to make him go forward. The difficulty is that the screen is scrolling and things like soccer balls and wind are coming your way.

And here's me failing at the game. Damn you Sena! Don't carry more boxes than you are tall!

I did pass it and next time I will include images from the football gameplay.

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記憶したか?// Bad Person™
User: [info]kiokushitaka
Date: 2010-02-28 07:41 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

XD! But at least you've got a way!

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