The Salvage of my Sanity... - Post a comment
(Bar-Ohki lives here)

Child of the Fey
Date: 2010-01-12 22:20
Subject: Somehow the music won't stop....
Security: Public
Location:Evil Layer
Mood:energetic energetic
Tags:home life, pictures

Finally, the last of it is done.

I now present to you my complete computer set-up, with me using it. And yes, I am doing IM on one screen and manga on the other. I'm awesome that way. Things of note are the trash can you can't see on the floor (yes, it is important to have one of those by my desk for me), my laptop and it's dock, my monitor, my scanner, it's table, and the printer on the bottom. Plus I have a Devil Bat Plushie. I am thrilled, more so than I probably look in this picture, bu thrilled all the same.

And here's an aerial shot:

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Child of the Fey
User: [info]bar_ohki
Date: 2010-01-13 05:35 (UTC)
Subject: (no subject)

Oh yesssss!

I mean seriously, it increases your ability to mulitask by a tenfold, and having a screen with good color definition really does help me do graphics art and I can run Solidworks without it glitching up (while writing a paper about the part I'm trying to build)! My life is now win.

The most humorous part was I said to my dad "Can I have a scanner and a monitor for Christmas?" and this is what I get in the end.

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May 2011